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"You shouldn't play with fire, or you'll end up burning yourself. Do you remember?" Wooyoung sneers.

Yoochan doesn't answer, still trying to register the situation they are in, taking in the familiar surrounding. Why does it feel so familiar, but he can't point out where they are? Maybe it's the drug or the drinks that's fogging his brain, but he's void of thoughts. He only stares at their captors, not even an ounce of recognition splashed over his face. He knows better than to move around, for the wires wound around his wrists and ankles are sinking into his flesh, already making way for blood to seep out. His jaw feels sore; maybe from the way he keeps on gritting his teeth, or he could had been punched squarely there but he couldn't remember. It doesn't matter anyway, as his body doesn't feel like his anymore. He's like a phantom being, floating around, watching everything unfold from a safe distance.

Then something strikes inside him, grounding him as to why the surrounding is awfully familiar to him.

It's his old apartment; one of the many he owns, one that he moved out of when he was tired of people knocking on his door, demanding him to reveal himself. When he got annoyed from the relentless banging on his door he decided to abandon the apartment, and he simply bought another one far away without much fuss. He could have sold the unit, but the market wasn't good at that moment and he couldn't be bothered enough to put it on the listings. Over time he was comfortable with his new crib, completely forgetting the existence of this realty.

That is, until he wakes up after being drugged at this particular apartment, with the people who kept on knocking his door that eventually drove him out, as their captors. Now he remembers them; Jung Wooyoung and Jeong Yunho. Two best friends, who lost one person from their circle - all because of him. Something dark stirs inside his stomach when he realizes what they are here for; they are coming back at them for whatever they did... was it 5 years ago? 5 years that felt too long ago he doesn't even remember what Choi San looks like. Where is he, this Choi San? He still cannot conjure up his portrait.

Yunho is dealing with his other two friends, hanging them by their limbs with wires that dig deep into their skin; one wrong move and they might just die from blood loss. Slowly, painfully. Just like how their captors want them to. After he is done, both him and Wooyoung sink back into the sofa at the living room, watching them with empty eyes. All three captives steadily get back to their senses.

The taller guy of the two looks at Seongjin the longest, particularly vexed, "You look so much like Seonghwa it amazes me how both of your personalities are different. Seonghwa is nice without restraint that he's so endearingly innocent sometimes, but you are the fakest person I know. Standing back without even doing anything when you could have... no, when you should?" he shouts. "Because of you I had to kill him. It annoys me looking at his face because he reminds me of you."

"You... what....?" he asks, enraged.

"Ah, you didn't get the messages from your family members? Looks like I got to your family members first," Wooyoung bares his teeth, akin to a smile that holds no joy. "They were supposed to be the trigger to bring back the memories of what you did. We treated them the same as you treated San and us, but, would hearing about them bring any effect to any of you, though? Do you even care for your family members? Park Seonghwa, dead. Choi Jongho, turned crazy. Kang Yeosang-" he looks at Yoochan sharply, "-is more resilient than I thought. Must be from enduring all those years having you as his damn brother."

"Release us this instant or I'll make sure once the police get-"

"Oh, don't worry they will get here," Wooyoung snaps. "See, you don't even care about what happened to your brothers." He sighs, "I should have known that people like you wouldn't care for anyone but yourselves. They were all tortured for nothing." He closes his eyes and massages his temples, "Also, nobody will be able to hear you, because this complex was abandoned some 2 years ago. Developer wanted to demolish the building and make a new one. Didn't happen and left like that, but I bet you don't even remember you bought a unit here, do you?" He clucks his tongue, "But I'm not here to sweet-talk you into buying a new property. Do you remember, or do you want me to jog your memories?" His eyes darken as they rest on three of the trembling faces, his hunger for their fear insatiable at this point. "We will gladly bring you back, down to every single detail."

Here I Lie // ATEEZ ✔Where stories live. Discover now