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He taps the microphone in front of him, taking a deep breath and adjusting his posture so as to appear presentable. The flashes from the reporters' cameras blind him momentarily, taking him out of reality, making his consciousness float around the room. He sees them typing away on their laptops, jotting down on their notebooks, thrusting out their recorders or coming up with various questions they would throw at him. He looks at the clock, thinking how this case had so many things buried deep within, and it only took them days for them to unravel years' worth of resentment.

The case has blown to a bigger one once it reaches the public's eyes and ears; the domino effect bringing down the Kang family's empire, the dirty secrets and lies come spilling out without being held back. Embezzlement, money laundering, corruption, and the list goes on. The biggest hit was received by the head of the Kang family, who had passed away, and the first son, Kang Yoochan. It looks like the public won't give them a rest for the time being. The public is enraged at the case involving Jeong Yunho's employees, putting the blame fully on the authorities for letting these things go on behind their backs. Only a few are siding with the authorities, and even less are after knowing that the judge had been bribed to deliver a false outcome in the court four years ago.

In the conference room he is about to give a wrap-up on the case to the reporters. And to apologize.

All through the assembly, his mouth moves on its own accord, speaking based on the script he has rehearsed for a million times. He tries to keep a steady tone, accepting questions from the reporters as they shout on top of each other, willing to get the juiciest bit of news from him. He answers them truthfully, his heart still feeling the physical pain as he mentions the victims' names and even, never before, the suspects' names. The mechanical clicking of pens and keyboards fill his ears, making him disorientated. He doesn't even hear what comes out of his mouth properly, the words tumbling out like he was a robot programmed to only say those particular ones. He manages to catch certain phrases, but it seems that he has done a good job as people seem satisfied, nodding along as they pack up their equipment, ready to write up news that will be released officially to the public.

"...a plan to avenge for their friend's death..."

"...first aimed at their family members, destroying them along the way..."

"...forced the police force to play their game..."

"...the respective suspects will be rightfully punished..."

"...brings light to mishandled cases before..."

"...we will be more attentive..."

"...will not disappoint the public..."

"...need to make sure that everything is handled as transparently as possible..."

"...will not happen again..."

"...we apologize for causing worry..."

He steps out of the room, finally managing to properly inhale, feeling like he had been holding his breath as long as he was in the room. Younghyun comes over to him, handing him a can of coffee, and he accepts it. He puts his elbow on the table, resting his forehead against his palm as his mind flashes back to their timed pursuit to find the last victims, feeling as if the adrenaline is still pumping through his veins. Still thinking it's his past memories that's making him feel agitated, it takes him a few seconds to discern that a police officer is shaking his arm, mentioning something frantically about Jeong Yunho in his cell.

"Sir, it's Jeong Yunho-"

"What's wrong with him?" he asks, but never stays to get the answer as he dashes towards the cells, unsure of what he's supposed to expect.

Here I Lie // ATEEZ ✔Where stories live. Discover now