The Concert

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Ash and I picked up our meet and greet passes and headed to the concert. We had rented one car after we flew to Texas, we figured we would always be together so there was no need to have two cars. I drove as Ashley applied even more makeup in the mirror. She looked fine, but I know this recent breakup had fucked her up. Her ex was a piece of shit and cheated on her so many times it left her really insecure. She needed to find someone that would keep her mind off of him, healthy or not, I know her. 

We pulled into the park that was hosting ACL fest and paid for our parking. We started making our long trek towards the stages/entrance and were already getting cat-called. 

"Nice ass blondy!" I laughed because I had convinced Ash to wear those short ass shorts. Ashley smiled, enjoying the attention from a cute tall guy that was handling parking for ACL fest, his shirt read "STAFF" on the back. Hm. Very Professional..

"I feel better already." Ashley said, and I smiled because I want her to get over her shitty ex and move on with her life. She deserves a lot better.

Ash and I got inside the gates and were 5 hours early for the Billie Eilish performance, sitting in front of her stage that she was to perform at so we could be as close as possible. I was really happy we were one of the first people to get there. We started to make friends with a few other fans, including two girls named Kylie and Jenn. 

"I wish she would put My Boy back on the set list, I would piss myself." Kylie said, I laughed and started to do the iconic "My Boy" dance. 

"That was actually really spot on! You must have danced before." Jenn said, Ashley and I both looked at each other and laughed. We were both competitive dancers for years. We had actually danced with the Rockette's at one point in our young careers, but gave it up when we got to high school and started cheerleading, getting into boyfriends (yes even me) etc. 

As we were thinking out loud Jenn said, "that's awesome, I'm so jealous but being a nurse is a really cool career too. Stable." And...boring. But I did get to help people, which I loved. 

A few hours passed and Billie began her performance. It was better than I ever imagined. She looked fucking gorgeous. She had lime green roots, bright green long nails, a custom made Gucci outfit and custom jordans to match. I had always felt like she was my girl crush, even before I knew I was bisexual. Ashley knew this and teased me about it when I got excited to see her. 

"There's your wife!" Ash said when Billie came on stage. Billie came really close to our area and Kylie and Jenn screamed loudly, making Billie smile. Suddenly, one of the kids behind us fell over. Ashley didn't seem to notice but I turned around and got everyone pushed away from her. She probably hadn't drank enough water, she was moshing really hard and looked flushed. It was ninety degrees outside and she was wearing all black. I got some water from Kylie and the girl came to and started drinking, some of ACL festival's medical staff took her off and she waved by and mouthed, "thank you!" to me as she went. Ashley said,

"Nursing really is full time!", as Billie finished her "I'm sorry" song. Billie stepped off of her hovering bed and sat on the edge of the stage near me, 

"Thank you guys for taking care of each other. I have the best and most loyal fans. I want to check on the fan that passed out, so I am cancelling the meet and greet I had tonight. I know you guys understand the situation. However, the girl that helped the fan that passed out, if you would come with me I would appreciate it." Billie looked at me and smiled, motioning towards a big security guard. Ashley looked at me with wide eyes and said,

"Bitch go!"

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