Meeting Billie

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The security guard ushered me backstage and handed me a bottle of water, pointing to a couch, urging me to sit. I sat and waited on Billie to finish saying goodbye to the rest of the fans. I was so fucking nervous. I looked down and felt like my boobs looked weird, like uneven. I never wore shirts this revealing or jeans this tight. Why the fuck did I let Ash talk me into this. Damn it. I bet my hair is frizzy as hell too. I tried to drink some water but my hands were literally shaking.

"Nervous?" I looked up and that cute smile looked down on me. Her freckles looked so much better close up. Her eyes were so much deeper. Her hair was a wreck, but was so perfect. How does she do that?

"Just all the moshing ya know? Gets to ya!" I said, with a nervous laugh, "Also, I'm like a huge Yes. Nervous."

"You're so fucking cute! Don't be nervous f'real bro I'm just like you. What's your name? Tell me about you?" She asked while putting her aquaphor on her lips and smacking them together. Those fucking lips ughhhh.

"I'm Cleo. I'm from Maryland. I'm actually a nurse. I flew here to see you perform with my best friend Ashley." She smiled and plopped onto the couch beside me nodding for me to continue, but I paused unsure of what to say, "and if you ever need a tour nurse let me know because I'm so down!" Letting our a sarcastic laugh. Billie sat and thought about it, seriously. She responded,

"I've heard worse ideas. You're a young ass nurse! Let's find that poor kid that passed out in medical." Then she grabbed my hand and pulled me along with her, we intertwined fingers (wtf) and I had to remind myself how often she had broadcasted her straightness to fans. Damn.

The kid was so happy that Billie cared enough to check on her, she also thanked me about five more times. Which was cute and made Billie smile and wink at me. Eventually the kid got checked out of medical by her mom and Billie and I turned to each other. 

"Do you want me to help you find your friends?" Billie asked, I couldn't help but feel disappointed but I mean. What did I expect? She's straight. I spotted Ashley from afar and waved, she was flirting with the boy that cat called her on the way into the festival today, he still had his "STAFF" t shirt on. She raced over to the fenced in area that we were standing and yelped an excited self introduction to Billie then continued,

"OKAY SO CLEO DONT BE MAD I know we only got a single bed place but I want to take him home tonight. Can you sleep on the couch? I would but....i don't want to break it...." *nervous giggles as she glances at billie*. Bullied eyes brows shot up and she laughed.

"Actually Ashley, Cleo is gonna stay with me tonight. Have safe sex bro." She said as she grabbed my hand like she did earlier and rolled her eyes. I was in awe. There was no mention of this earlier. I guess she felt bad for me because my friend was a slut (she had to be right now to be fair, I was happy for her sluttyness). I looked back and Ashley pointed at our hands and jumped up and down. I mouthed back "she's straight!" As Billie led me to her private get away car.

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