Where's my mind?

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I walked myself to the nearest coffee shop. Starbucks. Basic. Fuck it. I ordered my usual: Venti Iced Mocha Machiatto with Coconut Milk. Vegan AF.

I sat down alone with my thoughts and put my headphones in my ears, my sound cloud playlist was on lit. I didn't avoid problems with other people but I could with myself right? 

I loved people watching, especially when I was alone. I watched couples walk in and out holding hands, low key jealous as fuck that they were in a committed relationship. I watched a group of girls from their dance class come get coffee together and leave together. I missed dance. I texted and called Ashley. She didn't answer. She was probably having sex with Jordan. I swear every time I texted her she either was about to, was or just did have sex with that kid. 

I heard a chair scoot, "Can I sit here?" a girl with blonde hair asked. 

I nodded in response. I put my second earbud back in. I saw her lips moving. Ugh. 

I removed my earbud to hear, "--Billie Eilish?" 

"You're going to have to repeat that, I had my music playing," I responded.

She giggled. Cute laugh. Nice dimple left cheek. Okay, focus Cleo. 

"I said, aren't you the girl that everyone thinks is dating Billie Eilish?"

I took a deep breath, "Yep, and we aren't. She isn't into commitment at all. So fuck all that I don't know why I ever tried." She furrowed her cute ass eyebrows. Her eyes were green. She had freckles that people would pay money to get tattooed on. She was wearing a leotard and tights, she must have been part of the dance group. Damn I miss dance.

"Well she's missing out. You're f'real cute as hell. And I can tell you're not even trying right now, I would probably be all over you if you were dressed up and makeup done," she took a sip of her drink, "sorry to bring it up though."

"No biggie," I responded with a smile. I loved compliments. Fuck it. Open relationship? Let's go. 

"Lily?" I asked, pointing at her Starbucks cup name, "cute ass name". She immediately blushed and looked down. She liked me. I hoped she wasn't one of those straight girls that took convincing that they were into girls. 

"Cleo is a cute name too. I'm into girls by the way... if you couldn't already tell!" she laughed nervously. 

I smiled, "And I'm not in a committed relationship, how convenient Lily," 

We spent the next 2 hours talking about each other's lives. I told Lily almost everything. I told her about dance. We talked a lot about our love for dance. She was convinced she could get me hired into dancing professionally and maybe modeling as she motioned "towards a body like that" and winked. She was flirtatious. It was all effortless. 

She glanced at her phone. "I have to go to a dance event tonight. Do you want to come back to my apartment while I get ready? It's really close," she looked at me eagerly. 

"Why not?" I smiled. Fuck it. 

I glanced at my phone. 

16 missed calls from Billie Eilish.

14 unread imessages from Billie Eilish.

What's she tripping over? Fuck a commitment right?

Billie Eilish - Fan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now