Starting Tour

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I had seen the tour busses in some of Billie's interviews. I saw how it's hard to fit a single person in the bunk and it was crammed but the tour bus I was Billie had her own room with a real bed and real bathroom. I hated to know how much that would cost.

"Which bunk do you want me in Billie?" I asked her when we got onto the bus.

Billie was in the middle of shoving a chip covered in guacamole into her mouth so she mumbled with a full mouth, "Bunk? No. You sleep with me." No questions asked. I like when she made decisions for me.

I couldn't help but think how quickly all of this progressed and had she done this before with another person? Billie's team helped us load onto the tour bus and didn't seem surprised at all that some random nurse fan was now going on tour and sleeping in Billie's bed. I couldn't help but think I was overthinking everything, me and her are just friends that fuck around. We were experimenting. Nothing more.

"Babe you listening?" Billie snaps her fingers in my face with an annoyed look, "I was talking about this restaurant I want to take you to once we get to Chicago I know you'd love it, hands down best vegan food ever."

"It's a date," I say as I smile, Billie returns the smile.

"Don't go all soft on me now cutie," then she looks around and makes sure no one else is watching. Everyone nearby seems preoccupied. She twists my body and slams my back into the back of the door of her "tour bus room" her hand instantly goes to my throat and I feel the pressure tightening, "I like you a little soft though princess," I smile and rub the sides of her hips with my free hands, "damn you look pretty when I choke you." Then Billie drops her hand and kisses my nose, walking back out to the main section of the tour bus like nothing happened.

We sit out at the main section and I meet some of her crew, her stylist Samantha seems so nice. We almost instantly become friends, as I give her my IG name and assure her that I already follow her IG. I also met Billie's manager Michael, he seems very money focused, business driven and flat. I guess he seems like most managers would be. I also met Finneas girlfriend and saw Finneas again. His girlfriend Claudia and I exchanged phone numbers and hung out for a few hours while the tour bus was stopped at some random place for a radio interview.

"I didn't even know Billie liked girls. I mean we had all figured maybe she did...but I'm glad she found you," Claudia said with a smile, she was so sweet and beautiful. I knew why Finneas loved her right away.

"I'm so glad she found me too. It was honestly just luck, but I had won meet and greet tickets for that day with my best friend Ashley. She's coming on tour too, she's on the other bus right now but you'll meet her soon. Anyway, I thought if I met her at the meet and greet maybe this would have happened anyway? I don't know, I like to think positive," I giggled and fucked with my hair. I was so lucky that Billie even talked to me. How did she pick me? Was it really because of a good deed that most decent people would do?

"She never gets close with people. Seriously. Finneas is like her everything. Zoe is her home best friend but sometimes doesn't talk to her for months when she's on tour and then Billie feels like shit. Even her relationships the fans have seen are staged by management, she didn't like Q."  Claudia started to ramble as she braided through a section of my hair.

I looked up at her, "What the fuck? The Q thing wasn't real?"

"None of it was. Except you. Are you guys like girlfriends by the way? I'm not sure what to call it." Claudia giggles can make anything sound soft.

"No. Maybe eventually if she even likes me like that. Right now it's mostly a friendship and physical attraction." But I felt so much more already and I had just met her. She flirted with me so much it drove me wild.

Claudia told me Finneas texted her about going to a nice restaurant tonight as a "double date" kind of set up. I was pumped. I jumped into the shower and sent Ashley a few texts to update her. She was on a different tour bus and different locations for a portion of this tour, but always with Jordan, so she loved it.

Ashley directed me to what outfit to wear from our most recent (and expensive) shopping trip. I heard Billie get back onto the bus and talk to Finneas and Claudia while I was in the shower then they left, must be meeting us at the restaurant. I reached to turn the shower off when I felt a sudden grasp on the reaching wrist.

It was Billie looking up at me completely naked beside the shower, "Can I get in with you for a few minutes princess?" I blushed and covered myself a little bit. I wasn't even close to used to being seen like this in front of her. And her body is perfect to add. She looks at my body language and bites her bottom lip.

"But princess we've done this before, let me see. Arms down. Now" I obey. She looks at me up and down and kisses my nose.

"Will you wash my hair for me Cleo?"

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