Double date? *Contains slight SMUT

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Billie and I finish taking a shower together and it was very....romantic. She didn't try to be sexual with me at all. She kissed my nose and cheek a few times and cleaned me then had me clean her, etc. I tried not to get in my feelings too much. We got out and went into her room in our towels. I blow dried my hair while she picked through her jewelry collection for tonight. While she was distracted I got dressed and then did a "tada" soon in my all cream colored Chanel dress that came down to my knees with some very minimal red colored stitching, and some white jimmy choos. I also had a Gucci clutch that was mine before I met Billie, and was the exact same color red as the stitching.

"Damn mamas, that dress is a little short for everyone to be seeing but I'll let it pass because you'll be with me the whole time," she winked and stood up displaying her outfit, "you like?" She had a lot of new gold chains on over a custom adidas outfit with matching sweatband. Dressy. But she didn't need to dress up to look nice.

"You look sexy, those chains look like they cost more than my car," I replied.

"They do babe."

We walked into The Happy Cow which was a fancy vegan restaurant, serving hibachi like food but cooking tofu/artificial meat, etc. The line to get in the building was out the door, people standing in fancy dresses waiting outside was crazy. Because of Billie's name... we had a place waiting for us. THAT was so nice.

"Perks of being famous" she sighed and rolled her eyes as yet another fan asked for a picture with her.

We sat beside each other at a table with her hand on my upper thigh, getting me wet with small touches. Damn I swear she does this shit on purpose.

"Are you excited to meet Patrick and Maggie?" Claudia asked, with her usual lit up eyes. She looked stunning. Her hair shined like she was super healthy and her skin never had flaws.

I raised an eyebrow after I interpreted the question..."Like your parents?" I asked motioning between Finneas and Billie. They exchanged glances and nod. Billie tightened her grip on my thigh,

"Is that weird? Sorry I should have mentioned something about it. You'll meet them tomorrow. They'll love you they're really cool," she said with a smile but bit her lip waiting for my reply.

"Um, I'm really excited. I can't wait to meet the people that helped to make Billie who she is. I love who she is." Claudia gushed at this answer.

Who did they think I was? An actual nurse hired to help? Or a choreographer? Or just a new friend she got really close to? I guess that's all I really am.

We ate our dinner and made small talk, the vegan food was amazing, but the price was also outrageous. Billie doesn't even allow me to touch the bill. She held my hand and intertwined fingers as we walked out to the car to go back to the tour bus. Several fans were taking pictures and asking Billie for some pictures etc. she always stops and talks to them, she's a great person. I know she gets tired of this.

As soon as we got into the car her hand magnetically went to my upper thigh again and her lips to my neck, "how was it baby? You deserve a nice dinner," then she calmed down and pulled away slightly, "it's so fucking nice to have another vegan touring!"

I laughed, "I bet! I didn't have many vegan friends at home either, when we would go to places I would always just get a drink."

"That sucks I've been there! But anyway," she furrowed her brows and got close to me again, hand up my dress resting on my panties, still as ever, "I'm sorry I didn't mention meeting my parents. I know that's actually kind of a big deal. I'm bad at this shit," she laughed.

"Do you want us to be dating?" I can't believe I just asked that. But here's the thing....she acts like we are. So maybe I missed something.

She was quiet for a minute then responded, "I don't know, maybe....but I have to at least come out to my parents first and see where this all goes. I have feelings for you and it's really corny but true. How do you feel?" I love when she's corny I don't care she can do that all day. She's perfect and sweet.

She looked at me, staring into my eyes waiting on a response. "I just want you." She smiled and started to put her fingers into my pussy in the car and had my one strap down on my dress with my one boob out. I was thankful there was a partition up and tinted windows. She put her free hand over my mouth so when I moaned it wouldn't be ridiculous. She got me off in 2 minutes flat. Then had me lick her fingers.

"Good job princess." She said with a kiss to the forehead.

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