Sleepover Part Two

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The hotel was gorgeous. I couldn't afford a single night here if I wanted to. There were huge chandeliers and more than one pool, restaurant and even an attached casino. Billie led me to the elevator and hit "25" the top level. She said to me, "penthouse suite".

She unlocked the door and I walked in looking around. Other than Billie's clothes all over the floor, this place was gorgeous with a gorgeous view to match.

"Sorry about my clothes. Im honestly not a neat person." She said with a giggle, "and I didn't anticipate bringing a new friend here tonight either!" I laughed in response.

"You're full of surprises." I stated with a smile and stared out the window at the view of the city. I felt arms wrap around my waist and saw Billie's reflection in the window on my shoulder. Okay. So that wasn't my imagination. I didn't say a word. I didn't want to ruin the moment. After a few minutes of this and rocking back and forth in front of the view she pulled away and sat on the bed, looking up at me.

"How did you know you liked girls?" She asked.

That was a serious question. One that someone who felt like they might like girls would ask.....

"When I was younger I was attracted to Brittany Spears, Avril Lavigne, Victoria Secrets Models, etc. but I also liked Justin Bieber and boys in my class, typical shit. I wasn't attracted to anyone that was a girl my age until middle school years. I did stuff with the first girl ever in high school, that's when I knew for sure. But I didn't come out to my friends and have a relationship until the last few years. So I guess to answer you, I knew for sure when I first did stuff with another girl. There was no doubt then." I took a deep breath after my lengthy response and looked up, suddenly Billie was in front of me, hands on my shoulders and lips on my lips. It was short and sweet. She pulled away  and I rubbed my lips together instinctively, aquaphor on both now. Her face was still only inches from my face as she said,

"I kind of thought I liked girls. But I really think I like you. Is that okay? Or was that too much? I know I should have asked first. That honestly wasn't okay to do at all. I'm so sorry..." Billie stammered and started to turn away, ruffling her own hair, I grabbed her arm and said,

"Billie stop. I liked it. I like you. I just thought you were straight. I've watched all your interviews, all your Snapchat and instagram videos and you've said you're straight so many times....I didn't think there was a chance"-

Billie turned around a her face lit up. She's happy that I liked it? How ironic. She sat back down on the bed in front of me, indian style.

"I thought I was straight for a long time. My label would freak out if they knew what I was doing right now. And my fans...." she paused and giggled, "would probably be thrilled low key." I giggled back,

"Yeah, your fans are all die hard in love with you. They would be happy for sure. You'd probably inspire a lot of people too." Her eyes brows burrowed and she grabbed my hand again. It was so cute when she did that. I was becoming accustomed.

"I know I like you and I want to touch you and...try stuff with you," she blushed and turned her head away slightly, "but can we keep this a secret for now? I'm scared honestly. I sound like a little bitch but feelings scare me. Especially when shit is just so new. And I feel like I have literally no idea what to do with your body and that's embarrassing too because I want to know....does that make sense?" She made hand motions through this entire statement, I could tell she was nervous.

"We can do whatever you want to do, only what you're comfortable with. Your sexuality is only your business. But...I do have to tell Ash," I smiled, she smiled back,

"Your friend is an exception."

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