The Couple

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Billie and I had an amazing day in NYC as a couple. She held my hand in public. She talked to fans in Central Park about her love for me, in front of me. She made me blush like a fucking mad man. She told the random news reporters that she wanted to marry me. It was adorable. Also overwhelming. 

It was nice to not feel so hidden. I had gotten really involved with Billie's shows, choreography and overall scheduling. Maggie and I worked together to organize a lot of things for Billie. We were actually really close over the next few months of tour. I got rid of my apartment in MD and put my stuff in storage in L.A. near Billie's house, or sold it. We were like...serious serious. 

Ashley and Jordan were engaged. I was part of the engagement planning and picked out her ring with Jordan. She was seriously so happy and I was so happy for her. She made me her bridesmaid of honor and now we had a wedding to plan. She was going to get married in L.A. Jordan's whole family was from there and Ashley's family was generally out of touch, always had been. She had lived at my house in high school and college. 

"Should I get a boob job? My wedding dressing puts so much focus on my tits, I'm having a hard time living  up to the hype," Ash said, as the tailor fitted her dress and giggled at her comments.

"Ashley shut up. I wish I had the cleavage you have. The dress is perfect."

"You do have the cleavage I have. On Billie's chest!" She stuck her tongue out at me and I laughed. She was right. Billie was sitting beside me and blushed, squeezing my hand.

"Jordan is going to love this dress Ash. I'm so happy for you. What are you having my princess wear?"

"Whatever she wants, she's my best fucking friend. As long as it's not white!" she added and smiled at me, "but yes Cleo, it does have to be a dress."

I had already picked out what I wanted, it was pretty sexy for Billie but not too sexy that it would outshine Ash on her big day. We were in L.A. and the tour had just ended, so Billie had more free time to spend with me. We had decided to spend a long weekend together after this fitting session at a beach house in Hawaii. She wouldn't let me pay for a dime. She planned almost all of it herself, actually and it was so sweet. 

"Okay lovebirds, I'm all done. Cleo, text me when you land in Hawaii please so I know you made it. I hope you don't have neighbors because you two have been moaning so loud lately I could hear you outside the tour bus!" I blushed and so did Billie.

"Luckily we will be away from neighbors, so I'll be as loud as I want bitch! I'll text you when I land."

*Time hop the airplane landing in Hawaii*

"Billie I am so fucking excited!!!" 

"Look at the waves! Holy shit Cleo. This is going to be beautiful. You totally deserve this. Thank you so much for being my person and helping me on tour. I know I'm a self centered bitch sometimes but, I really do love you to death," she kissed my hand and took her lap belt off as the flight attendant announced we could. 

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