6.Somebody to you

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کچھ بات ہے کہ ہستی مٹتی نہیں ہماری

صدیوں رہا ہے دشمن دورِ زماں ہمارا

(Kuch bāt hai kih hastī, miṭtī nahīṉ hamārī

Ṣadiyoṉ rahā hai dus̱ẖman daur-i zamāṉ hamārā)

(Such is our existence that it cannot be erased

Even though, for centuries, the cycle of time has been our enemy)

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Fahd Faruki smiled, he always loved reading his mother's Urdu books.

They reminded him of his beautiful childhood. Well technically he was still in his childhood (he was fourteen) but those days were better.

Allah, he sounded like an old man.

Fahd was sitting on his sofa in the living room and as usual his mother was still in the library. He had just returned from school.

Today he was particularly happy because at school they told him that he would be getting a high achievement certificate.

He had messaged his mother and was about to call Safiyyah baji. Every time he called her or even though about her he gets reminded of why he looks up to her so much.

The first time he started trusting her completely was when she saved his neck about a year ago.

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Safiyyah was standing in front of a grocery store (not because she wanted to buy something but because she was jobless and what was better than to roam around aisles of good food thinking of how she could never afford all of them) when she heard the scream.

The summer vacation in the middle of her first year had just started and she would be going home after a few days but right now she had literary nothing to do.

The scream, it sounded familiar but Safiyyah couldn't place it with a person she knew. Most probably because she didn't know him very well back then.

Soon she decided to check it out.

After a minute of walking she saw a narrow dark alley, and was sure the scream had come from here as she could hear the same person saying something at a distance.

Safiyyah was shocked to see Fahd Faruki being beaten up by a kid from a group of five.

The boy who was hitting him was literary twice his height and probably thrice his weight.

Why was Fahd getting bullied?

True he was not so physically strong but he was as smart as any other kid.

Maybe even smarter.

She headed over to the boys with a firm mind to stop this ordeal.

"Hey, drop it" Safiyyah commanded the boy who was about to go in for another punch.

He glanced at her.

"What's you got to do with this?" He asked through his thick American accent.

"That's my brother, leave him alone" Safiyyah said confidently.

"And if we don't?"

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