36. Sheesh, sister, I wish it was

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Kind of a filler, but this book is almost over and I'm tired and I start college tomorrow ☹️

Mikey's P.O.V.

I walked up Frank's driveway, confused to see Gerard's car already parked here. When I spoke to my brother this morning, he was still pissed at Frank.
I swear if I walk in on these two doing some weird shit, I'm kicking myself out of the band.
I was even more confused when I went to knock, but found the door open.

"Frank? Gerard?" I asked cautiously as I let myself in. I closed the door and Gerard seemed to pop out of nowhere.
"Gee- Christ! What the fuck?"

"What are you doing here?" Gerard asked.
"Is Y/N okay?"

"Yeah, she sent me over here to check on Frank. What are you doing here?" Gerard frowned and ran a hand through his hair.

"Frank called me. He's sleeping now, for the first time in days, I think." I could hear the hurt and worry in his tone.
"This whole thing really messed him up."

"Messed him up?" I asked in disbelief.
"Frank was the one kissing his ex, not watching Y/N kiss hers."

"Not what I mean, Mikey." Gerard shook his head.
"The guilt. Anxieties, insecurities, he doesn't even fully remember what happened at the party, like his mind rebooted and then he was kissing Jamia."

"And you believe that?" I asked, unsure.

"You haven't seen him, Mikes. He's a mess. He wouldn't eat anything and it took a lot of convincing for him to go up to bed." Gerard sighed and I nodded.
"So, Y/N? How is she?"

"I don't know. She seems better, but I knew she was faking it. I think she just wanted to be alone for a while. She showered, had something to eat and drink, so I guess that's an improvement." Gerard nodded his head and there was a bang from upstairs.

"There's no way he should be awake. He's barely been asleep 30 minutes." Gerard said as we both headed upstairs. We found Frank sat up in bed, head in his hands and breathing heavily.
"Frankie?" Gerard asked, but he didn't move. Gerard went and sat next to him and I had to admit it was painful, seeing one of my closest friends this messed up.

"I've really fucked up, haven't I Gee?" Frank whimpered.
"Y/N hates me, Jamia is pissed at me, you're mad at me."

"Y/N doesn't hate you." I said without thinking and Frank looked up at me.
"She said she's not even mad at you."

"Really?" Frank asked in a disbelieving tone.

"Yeah, she sent me over here to make sure you were okay. I think she's just a little confused right now." I gave him a small smile.

"Once we explain what you've told me, I'm sure she'll understand, or try to." Gerard said encouragingly.


I made it back home, tired and not expecting to find Y/N curled up on my couch, my acoustic on the floor. I raised an eyebrow at the sleeping girl, before covering her over with a blanket and moving the guitar.
I had been gone a few hours and I wasn't sure how long she'd been asleep.

"Tomorrow." I muttered, thinking about the plans we had made. Gerard was going to stay with Frank tonight and they were both going to come over tomorrow morning.
We were going to get this sorted because Gerard and I could not be dealing with two adults, acting like children.

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