Chapter 1

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I was inspired to write this story because somehow I found myself reading a Michael and Mariah book so I wanted to write my own, a few months ago I wrote an aaliyah and Michael fanfiction And NOBODY read it so I'm going to try to do this and see if people actually read it😂

Feburary 15th 1988 (10:22 am)

Mariah quickly strolled down the school hallways hurrying to class knowing she was late once again.

She slowly creeped into the classroom not wanting to cause a disturbance.  "Late again?" Her teacher Mrs. Kramer asked annoyed. Mariah heard her tone of voice and nervously smiled.  "I'm sorry, I woke up late." She replied in defense.

Mrs. Kramer continued to look down and grade the papers sitting on her desk. "Whatever it's your future not mine, you can keep believing that that childish little dream of yours will come true and we'll just all pretend we believe it will happen too." She scowled.

Mariah rolled her eyes trying desperately to keep her composure. She softly placed her book bag on the back of her chair.  "It's not my fault you chose to go to college and get a degree just to sit around and teach kids you don't even like." She mumbled.

"What was that Mrs. Carey?" She asked pretending she didn't hear what had came out of Mariah's mouth.

Mariah sat in her seat and tried her hardest not to laugh. "Oh nothing Mrs. Kramer." She replied and started on her assignment.

Mariah felt a hard tap on her shoulder and turnt around. "What?" She snapped not realizing who it was that had been sitting behind her.

"Jeez who peed in your Cheerios?" Her long time friend Jada asked her.

Mariah chuckled a bit. "I'm sorry I didn't know it was you, what's up?"

"Well me and my mom got 3 free tickets to see Michael Jackson in concert and she wanted me to ask you if you wanted to have the extra ticket?" She explained. "You know, Because the concert is a month before your birthday."

Mariah's face lit up. "Are you sure?" She asked in response. "I mean I don't want to take up your extra ticket."

"No, No it's fine be our guest." She assured Mariah. "Just consider it a birthday present from me and my mom."

Mariah pulled Jada into a tight hug. "Thank you." She replied graciously.

March 16th 1988 (2:32 am)

Mariah closed her eyes as she desperately tried to go to sleep despite knowing what was happening in the living room.

Her step-father Marvin grabbed one of the plates out of the row of dishes her Mariah's mother Patricia had just washed and chucked it at her. Patricia ducked just in time and the plate shattered hitting the wall as the pieces of glasses slowly falling on her surprisingly without cutting her.

"Bitch!" He yelled red-faced with a painful amount of anger in his voice as his eyes shot daggers at Patricia.

"How dare you spend 3 dollars at McDonald's?" He continued.

Patricia tried to get out of the situation. "I'm sorry." She apologized as she turned her back and started to walk away trying to get into the room.

"This conversation isn't over!" He yelled and yanked her arm.

She pulled away in attempt to defend herself. Marvin widened his eyes. "Oh so it's like that?" He asked.

"Mariah!" He yelled.

Mariah hesitated until she released she had to go in there. She sighed and eased her way off the bed trying to go in there as slowly as possible. After she finally brought herself to exit her room he could tell she was about to pay the price for whatever her mother did.

Marvin went into the cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Grey Goose and handed it to Mariah. "Take a large sip of it or I'll make your mother do something far worse." He demanded.

Mariah gulped. She had never drank any type of alcohol before and definitely didn't want to. She gripped the bottle and took a swig.

He could see the disgusted expression on her face after she consumed the beverage. "Drink it like the real woman you're becoming!" He demanded.

She nodded and took another large swig of the alcohol. She tried desperately to keep her expression neutral as she swallowed but she just couldn't keep a straight face.

Marvin slammed his hand down on the table. "You're going to stand here and drink it until you can handle it like a real woman." He said.

Mariah took what she hoped would be the last sip.

"Nope." He said noticing a slight imperfection. "And you need to take bigger sips."

Tears brimmed in Mariah's almond shaped eyes though she was trying her hardest not to sob. She looked at the bottle seeing that it was half empty and sighed. She breathed in deeply 'You can do this Mariah' she encouraged herself.

She chugged the rest of the bottle down becoming unaware of what it would do to her.

Marvin started to clap. "That a girl." He said amused and then snatched the alcohol bottle from her.

She started to walk back to her room but everything just went black.

March 16th (1:27 pm)

Mariah's eyes slowly opened. She looked around with confusion running through her mind. All she could remember was.... nothing at all

She immediately felt the urge to throw up and before she could control it it all came pouring out of her mouth onto the hard wooden floor.

Mariah groaned. "Why did she even get with him?" She whispered feeling defeated.

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