Fight For Me... Please?

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I still felt awful about yesterday. And even worse about how things were gonna play out tonight. I put my light blue pillow over my face and screamed. I then threw it at the wall and quickly sat up straight which enabled me to see the space time continuum and fell back onto the bed.

"Ugh!" I groaned and slowly got up and walked to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and put on my usual outfit. Blake picked it out. We each had color coordination. Blake was red, Gabe was green, Jennifer was yellow, I was blue. I didn't mind. I like blue. I had a light blue dress shirt under a deep blue jacket with a blue tie. I put on grey capris, blue plaid knee high socks, and blue converse. I looked at my face and grimaced. I was not a morning person. My dirty blonde hair was sticking out all over the place. I had dark circles under my brown eyes and freckles dancing over my cheeks and nose. I looked like a freaking ghost in the morning. I quickly came back to life thanks to the wonders of makeup and a hairbrush. There. I was now presentable. Blake told me not to hide my freckles. Don't know why, though. I look like a Dalmatian. Jen thought it was cute. Haha, nope. I ran downstairs to see my parents at the breakfast table. My dad was reading the news paper.

"Now, this just doesn't make any sense. Why do I read this stuff again?" he asked turning the newspaper on its side. I leaned over my mom and snatched a biscuit.

"Because your an idiot," I told him, stuffing my face. He looked up at me.

"Oh yeah, that's it," he smiled.

"You two," my mom scolded playfully.

"Thanks for the pâté, mom, but I better motor if I want to get to school," I gave my mom a kiss and ran out the door and got in my car and drove to school. When I finally parked I felt my phone buzz. I got a text from Blake telling me I needed to get him Starbucks. I groaned and started the car up again drove to the closest Starbucks got the drinks and drove quickly back to school. I grabbed the drinks (and pumpkin bread for myself because pumpkin bread is the best just sayin). I walked down the hall to the boys bathroom to meet the Allans when someone decides to bump into me, spilling boiling, extra hot, nonfat mocha latté-coffee or something all over me. I can't move. Ow ow ow ow OW OW OW.

"You ok?" I was about to give this guy hell until I saw his face. Now I'm a believer. His skin was golden brown and beautiful. His eyes were a red brown and his hair was died a navy blue. He wore a long black trench coat, a dark green t-shirt, and some black jeans. His face was completely smooth except for a little scar on his lower lip. He had an earring on his right ear. Omygod. My eyes widened and I licked my lips. They tasted like pumpkin spice latte. Gross.

"Uh, um, yeah, I'm okay," I grinned. He looked bored but nodded. God he looked familiar.

"Sorry I ran in to you, I was reading this." He held up a book with a complicated title. I cocked my head.

"Is those words English?" I asked. He snorted.

"Your not very good at it are you?" He laughed. I blinked and blushed then shook my head.

"It's not my strongest subject," I admitted. I saluted him then mentally slapped myself. What, what the fuck was that Oliver. He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"So, are you an Allan?" He asked. I quickly shook my head no.

"No! No, I'm a Smith, uh, I mean Oliver. I am... my name is Oliver Smith," I stuttered. I remembered I had just had three coffees spilt over me. I looked at my now ruined cloths.

"Shit." I muttered. The guy started walking away. No! Oli! this could be the man of your dreams! Don't let him get away. "Wait!" I called after him. He turned around. "Can I ask you a stupid question?" He wagged a finger at me and walked back over.

"Ah, now, now Mr. Smith, there is no such thing as a stupid question." I smiled at that.

"Okay, a man gives a billion dollars the same day aliens say they're going to blow up the planet. What do you do?" I watched as he blinked.

"That has got to be the stupidest question I ever heard," he smiled. I giggled. Oh god stop embarrassing yourself, Oliver. "Well, I'd probably take a boat. Float out on a lake with an ice cold soda and listen to some music. Maybe go fishing. Maybe not. Depends on my mood." I felt a bit disappointed.

"All alone? You have no one you'd like to share your final moments with?"

"Nope," he popped the "P". He started to walk away again, his head in his complicated novel.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name," I stammered. He stopped and turned his head.

"I didn't throw it." he said sarcastically, not looking back. I gaped at him. Did he just talk back to me? No one had done that in long time. Most people would find that annoying, but me? God it felt good. Kinda turned me on, actually. Is that weird? I wasn't really paying attention to what had started going on. I was to busy suffering from shock. Whoa. That kid treated me like a normal person. Neil and Max pushed passed me.

"Hey, you!" Neil yelled angrily at the blue haired guy. Max held him by his arms.

"Hey, what did your boyfriend say when he found out you were moving to Sherwood, Ohio?" Max sneered. Neil smirked.

"Hey, Max, doesn't this school have a no loser aloud rule?" Neil asked.

"Yeah, well, they allow assholes in just fine, I see," the blue haired guy spoke up. Neil and Max looked at each other in shock.

"Oliver!" Blake called. He was at the other side of the hallway. "I've been looking- Holy shit!" Blake stopped as blue haired guy hit Neil in the face with his book and elbowed Max in the chest. Oh. My. God. Time seemed to stop. Why is it that when you see boys fighting does it look so horrible yet feel so.... Right? I should leave, this is Not the kind of crap I'm into but with this kid... Zayum. Blake started pointing and laughing at Neil. But I was to busy watching Mr. No-name-kid. Who was this guy? Do you... do you think you could maybe, I don't know, fight for me? That sounded stupid. Ugh. I watched as he kicked butt and I giggled like an idiot. Wow. Do you think he would like me? I mean, it would be okay if he didn't... But, damn. I'd follow this kid to the ends of the earth if he'd let me. Hey, Mr. No Name kid, I know CPR if you ever need someone to, you know, give you mouth to mouth resuscitation. No name kid punched Max in the face. Neil got up and tried to punch him, missing terribly. I snorted. A crowd was starting to grow. No name kid was killing it. I found myself cheering for him. Apparently someone had called a teacher, though. The teacher took No name kid away and some kids helped Neil and Max to the nurse. Blake ran towards me in horror.

"Oh no! Your beautiful clothes!" He pouted. I looked at the mess. Oh, yeah. I hugged my arms to my chest. I forgot I had Starbucks coffee spilt all up on me. I shivered.

"Come on, Oli. Let's get you some new clothes, you must be freezing by now," Jennifer frowned and patted me on the back carefully. I nodded and followed them. I was still going through love struck shock (or LSS. It's a real thing. *cough* not). But i couldn't help it, I mean... wow.

(An: this took so much longer than I thought! -.-' I didn't mean for it to take five evers I promise! I just have been busy with school and I'm apart of tech in a musical and I haven't had a lot of free time. I'll try to update more during thanksgiving and stuff. Comment/vote/follow/breathe whatever you want chakita bananas :3 k love ya! Bai

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