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Chapter two: Slug-club

September 2nd, 1975

"Today we're going to be studying the first five principals of Gamps law of elemental transfiguration. This being food. While food cannot be outright created from anything, it can be multiplied if one already has some food to multiply, it can be enlarged or the food can be summoned if one knows the approximate location and is fairly sure the food will still be there. It should also be noted that while food cannot be conjured, consumable liquids such as sauces and potable water can be..." Due to the seating plan Abellina had been seated directly in front of James. Whilst she was diligently taking notes despite the fact she had read ahead- he was on the verge of falling asleep. She hardly knew McGonagall but she was the sort of teacher who seemed unlikely to tolerate that. In an effort to stop himself dozing off he had begun to make paper birds fly into Abellina's head- much to her unamusement.

"Excuse me, Mr Potter?" McGonagall asked, pausing her lecture to walk over to his desk.

"Yes Professor? Might I add that you're looking particularly lovely today." He smiled, trying (and failing) to hide the evidence of his productivity.

"Detention, Mr Potter. And I suggest that you start to pay attention or you will struggle with the homework."

"Homework? We get homework?" Sirius yelled in indignation, either about to laugh or scream because of the perceived unfairness of the situation.

"That is the general way to track your progress and test you, Mr Black, yes."

"But why Minnie? Don't you love us? Don't you have any pity for us? It's our first day back! Our first lesson even!" Abellina just watched this interaction with a bemused expression, noting that McGonagall looked as though she may crack a small smile at his idiocy.

"I am aware of that, yes."

"But the children, Minnie, the children!"

"What on earth are you referring to Mr Black?"

"The children! All left alone because I can't see them because of your homework!"

"Exactly which children are you referring to, Mr Black? Yourself, or Mr Potter?" Luckily he didn't seem to understand what she had just insinuated and continued on with his ravaged rant.

"Ours! How could you forget Minnie!"

"Detention Black. I assume you realise that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated and that I shall have to ask you to leave if you continue to disrupt my lesson?"

"Is there another type of behaviour you would be more comfortable with?"

"Yes...preferably diligent, silent, concentration. Do you think you could manage that Mr Black?"

"Guess we'll just have to wait and see Professor" He grinned cheekily, rocking back in his chair. It only took a few seconds before James got bored again and this time began to whistle at a volume that McGonnagle couldn't hear yet was particularly aggravating to Abellina. Needless to say- she walked away from that lesson with a detention- something about screaming 'Would you stop being so bloody annoying! I'm supposed to be the annoying one!' In the middle of a lesson and charming his quill so that it could only write insults about himself.


"I hate you" She grumbled as Sirius swung an arm around her shoulders casually, a motion which James imitated on her other side.

"I assure you, Avery, the feeling is mutual" James replied without any hesitation, wrinkling his nose in mock disgust at the girl.

"I still hate you"

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