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A/N- alright, it's finally over! Thank you to all who read this, ily. Hope y'all enjoyed it!

One of the first things Merlin demanded of Arthur when they were settled was that they release the dragon. Arthur was hesitant, because he wasn't sure what the dragon would do with the twenty years of anger Kilgarrah had built up. Merlin compromised by asking Gaius about the location of the last dragonlord, who he learned was his father. Balinor agreed to come to the city and calm the dragon if needed, and performed his task dutifully.

Balinor was suspicious of Arthur at first, but when Arthur should him his magic, Balinor softened. It was also helped by the fact that Arthur told him that Hunith was staying in the city. She'd refused the castle, but had a small home on the outskirts of the city.

Balinor and Hunith married as soon as they could.

It didn't take long after Balinor and Hunithr's marriage for Gwen and Lancelot to get married, as well. Their wedding, though small, was attended by not only Princess Morgana, but King Arthur and King-Consort Merlin, plus the Court Physician and Camelot's First Knight.

It was not more than a month after their union for Arthur to announce that the First Code of Camelot was abolished, and men of any rank could be a knight. Lancelot was the first man to take advantage of that, and he was soon Sir Lancelot. Merlin asked for the privilege of knighting him, since Lance was his friend. Arthur allowed it, after checking with Geoffrey that it would be legitimate.

The Knights of Camelot were soon graced by the presence of Elyan, Gwen's brother, Percival, a man Lancelot had befriended in his exile, and Gawaine, a man Merlin and Arthur had met on their travels. Gwaine didn't particularly like them at first, claiming he despised nobles, but Merlin managed to bring him 'round when he said that he used to be a servant, and Arthur had married him anyway.

Arthur soon formed what he called the Round Table, full of his best knights and advisors, Merlin, Morgana, Gaius, Gwen (who was promoted to Morgana's Lady in Waiting, instead of her handmaiden), Leon, Percival, Elyan, Lancelot, and Gwaine. Of course, they had meetings around a circular table so that everyone was on equal ground. Not that they didn't know that, anyway.

A few years down the road was another wedding, that of Princess Morgana and Sir Leon. hey had fallen in love through all of the schemes that Morgana had dragged him into. Initially, Leon was terrified that Arthur would chop his head off for courting his sister, but Arthur was very happy with them when he found out. They had a few children who would eventually become heirs to the throne of Camelot.

Of course, there was a bump in the road when Morgana's nightmare's got worse. It came to a head when she accidentally blew out a window and set fire to a curtain in her sleep. Gaius confirmed that she likely had magic, and sent her to the druids to help control her powers.

The last wedding of note happened when Morgana discovered that Sirs Percival and Gwaine had been courting in secret. Morgana had squealed, and the men had groaned, knowing full well what Morgana was going to do. But their wedding was lovely, as Morgana and Gwen had insisted on planning it.

Of course, everyone lived happily ever after. For the most part. Arthur and Merlin still fought from time to time, and there was still no shortage of those wanting to kill the king. Still, everyone was happy, alive, and together. 

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