The lady in the North: Part 2

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   In the Hall of the Privy Council, there is Queen Daenerys, and her commanders Gray Worm and Daario Naharis, in addition to Yara Greyjoy and Prince Maron Martell, with them there are the members of the Council: the Grand Master Samwell, the Naval Chief Sir Davos, the Director of the coin Bronn Lord, the Lord Commander Ser Brienne, Counselor Lord Harys Swyft Law, the Minister of War Lord Yohn Royce, and the Minister of Rumors Olyvar, who after the death of Lord Baelish was now in charge of the spy network who obeyed his former boss and small birds that served Varys and Qyburn; however, he was no longer young and handsome he was a few years ago, he suffered from a burn that disfigured part of his face and left some marks on his body, after taking Kings Landing six years ago by the Targaryen army. Finally, as guests there are Lord Robin Arryn, lord of Eyrie , Edmure Tully, lord of the rivers and the twins. "First, I want to announce that my new hand of Queen will be the Prince Maron Martell; now I have convened to discuss the reconquest of the kingdom of the North, my goal is not to be queen of the ashes, nor want to extinguish old houses, but I'll be the queen of the seven kingdoms, the north must return under the government's Kings Landing King, must swear allegiance to my throne, just as I hope that the Minister of War, the Currency Master and the Minister of laws swear obedience, as the Lord of the Valley, and the Lord of the Rivers and the Twins if his knee bow before me, their homes will survive, their land will not suffer damage and his subjects have peace, I know that most their land will not suffer damage and his subjects will have peace, I know that most heirs of the great houses are in the Eyrie, which would be vulnerable to attack my four dragons. " Hearing this, Royce Lord, Lord Swyft and Lord Arryn swear allegiance to the Queen Daenerys first. "What have you to say, Lord Bronn, lord of Highgarden?" Asked the queen. "I will serve anyone who sits on the throne to ensure that will keep me my Lordship over Highgarden, you are now our queen, my services are yours, as long as a lord", replied the current Director of the Currency. The Master Samwell intervenes, you have received a crow of Winterfell, reports that free men have contacted spectra and white walkers, Queen ask how is possible that Arya Stark destroyed the King Night over six years. The great Master apparently replied that a new King Night has appeared, and now commands an army that heads south, the queen is faithless, does not trust the northerners, He thinks it might be a hoax by Sansa Stark. "If it is true, I find out, I'll will fly to Winterfell and meet with the Queen of the North, Grand Master send a raven to every man who is not in Kings Landing, they must be in four days with their night in the capital to pledge allegiance to my reign, unless they wish to undergo by force, others return their respective homes, and prepare their armies." "More than twenty years ago it was not above Winterfell, Ned still remember when her expression naive assumed the Lordship and the title of Guardian in the North, I cried his death naive like a brother, so your brother Jon is the new threat? I still remember when your father told me about it and Wylla "said Lord Howland Reed of Greywater Watch Lord of Watchtower Watch lord of Atalaya who is accompanied by her only daughter and heiress, Meera. "Lord Reed,I know that Jon is not a bastard son of my father, I know that the son of my aunt Lyanna, Rhaegar Targaryen that no kidnapping or abuse of it, I know we both loved each other, and they married secretly in Dorne, there is no need to continue keeping the secret, I know Jon is a legitimate Targaryen, and the person with greater right to the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, well, that before he is sentenced to the wall and the North become independent" "So now you know your highness, tell me, why you ask me at this private audience?" answers the Lord to Sansa Stark. "I'll need to escort civilians from Winterfell to the south, men are volunteers in battle, but women, children and elderly would only be a pushover for the army King Night. They depart at dawn and join other caravans from other settlements existing between Winterfell and neck, I request your permission to allow them transit for their land." Answers the Queen in the North "I let go by the neck, but not for me the sparhead in this caravan, I will stay at Winterfell to lead my men in the battle ahead, there has been year that it did not give support and the North was almost up, I owe it to the memory of Ned. My Meera, daughter, who will escort civilians to the south," replied the old Lord, while in the face of his daughter's discomfort is observed, she does not like her father to send her to the south. Lord Reed and Meera are in the living room, and the latter berates his father for sending her south, away from him and the battle. Lord Howland replied, "You are my sole heir and future of the Reed house, you must stay alive, you can not remain in Winterfell, as well you will ensure the survival of people in the North who can not fight the army of the dead, no more discussion, obey, you will depart at dawn". "Welcome Wise Hallyne, Munster and Malliars, thank you for coming to my call so fast," says Queen Daenerys first. "Of course your highness, the Guild of Alchemists has always been a loyal subject of his house, which gave much support to our research, tell us, what can we do for you?" Answers the old Hallyne. "I will be direct, I have something very important to your guild custom, there is an enemy whose weapons could be beyond the scope of my current forces, so it would be very useful for the good of United to enlist the help of Fire Valiryo. Queen's order that the development begins of this substance immediately," answered the mother of dragons. "It will be a great honor to serve in this mission to the House Targaryen your highness, how much of this substance needs my queen?" replied the old alchemist. Daenerys rises from her chair, and with a very serious tone says "enough to clear one or two cities, at least. "Alchemists sages accept the mission and leaves the room. The Queen observes the scenery out the window, there is a knock on the door, it's Gray Worm, he tells her everything is ready, "Well, it's time trial, see the will of the gods." In the arena, before members of the Privy Council and some viewers it can be found Tyrion and his champion, Crakehalk Lyle is a member of a vassal house Lannister, he will face against Daario Naharis, the champion of Queen Daenerys to decide whether Tyrion Lannister will be executed or not for treason. "Do not lose, do not neglect, Daario and a very clever and cunning warrior, "said Tyrion his champion, he will answer" "Don't worry, Lord Middle Man, I've never lost a duel", " I'll wish you luck my dear Daario, I know you will bring justice to my name" "is a promise my queen, bring the head of the dwarf if you order me, "replies Daario his queen. The fight starts, Lyle's sword strikes the arakh of Daario, as Swordsmen are evenly matched, Lyle hits a cut on Daario's cheek, the crowd increasingly it is livelier, their basic instinct for blood has awakened Daario is demolished by Tyrion champion by a stroke, but nimbly dodges the blow with a sword, when they come crashing swords, Daario advantage from a moment of carelessness by his opponent, turns, is positioned behind Lord Crakehall, and fast movement shows a dagger and slice the neck of his opponent, the champion Tyrion lies on the floor bleeding to death, execution is inevitable, Queen Daenerys smiles, while the former King's hand can only accept worth your destination, he kneels before the anguish, his face showing a look of resignation. The dwarf is brought to an open area, there is Drogon rested, Queen asks what his last words are, the dwarf replies "Please respect my son's life, he will serve you well." Daenerys responds to fulfill his promise to not do damage to his heir since he will swear allegiance. After this, the Queen pronounces the last words Lord Tyrion heard in his life: "Dracarys" Drogon launches sea of fire over the old King's hand, he perishes almost immediately, his hour had arrived. After the execution, the queen informs his Privy Council that she will leave in a few days, "I'll fly north to make sure that the information sent by Queen North it is true, in my absence Prince Maron hand of Queen will be in charge of government affairs, Directors and Naval War armies must prepare and the royal fleet, the latter will be enhanced by Yara Greyjoy Ships. Gray worm I request to be ahead of everything related to Missandria and nests, save them with immaculate, it will be our most valuable resource." After that, the Queen Daenerys prepares some provisions for her, Drogo rides and take flight north. In Storm's End, Lord Gendry Baratheon receives the Crow Capital ordering his presence in Kings Landing to swear allegiance to the new sovereign of the seven kingdoms. "So the Queen Daenerys finally took control of the kingdom, King Bran to death It is fortunate that Arya is not in Westeros, she would cause an uproar in search of revenge, or be executed for trying something against the queen. I think it's time to meet with Daenerys." The Lord is preparing for the trip to the Capital, calls a small entourage, You want to reach as soon as possible. In the north, the forces of Queen Sansa are outside of Winterfell, it has already passed several days since Meera left for south leading a convoy of civilians seeking refuge in the neck, with the Queen are Tormund, armed with Claw Valiryo steel sword Jon, Howland Reed, who bears a wolf howl, and Wyman Manderlys, who carries an Oath Guardian, both swords belonging to the Stark house, the queen gave them to the battle, in order to be used by skilled warriors. The horns sound, the lookouts sighted the army of King Night approaching, to his head is observed at the White Lady, the image of the ice giants is overwhelming, estimate that the deathly army has about two hundred of these giants, the least 10,000 spiders as big as direwolves ice, a few hundred spectra and white walkers. The northern army does not exceed thirty thousand men, composed of trained warriors volunteers and men of each settlement and North castle. Naturally fear in men, but their lords and commanders shouting to encourage harangues, they are ready for a fight. But things calmed down, soon they were silenced, hearing a roar that came from the sky, the clouds of a storm approaching the army following the death, emerges the Ice Dragon, which lands far away, mounted by the Night King. It is the largest creature ever seen, it could easily devour a mammoth of a bite, leaves dwarf dragons Daenerys Targaryen brought north six years ago. The Ice Dragon is at least as large as the mythical Balerion the black terror, No, it's bigger even. The beast opens its wings and roars loudly, the Night King Joramun plays the horn is the signal indicating his army to initiate the attack, death has come for Winterfell.

  The beast opens its wings and roars loudly, the Night King Joramun plays the horn is the signal indicating his army to initiate the attack, death has come for Winterfell

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