Wail of a wolf: Part 1

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"I don't think we can win this war, not without the help of the south, not without the help of the dragons, that winged beast will erase us from the map very easily if he decides to attack us which are your orders, my queen," asks Wyman Manderlay. "Lord Wyman, light the trenches, if they arrive at the Castle we will be lost." After the order of the queen, the signal is given to light the trenches. These are deeper and larger than those used in the battle of Winterfell six years ago. The battle has begun three days have passed with their nights since Queen Daenerys set off north, only the gods know if she will arrive in time to support Winterfell. Meanwhile in Kings Landing, "Was there some important message from the Whisperer?" asks the counselor to Olyvar, the counselor of rumors. "A message from Pentos for the queen," replies a young spy. "Ohh something interesting or a useful message with something of value to her but an invaluable treasure for me," responds the law counselor. Then , the rumor advisor replies," my former lord Lord Baelish told me that true power is in information and in its correct use, not in men or in wealth." At that time Olyvar makes a grimace of surprise but with an ironic smile, the law adviser asks him, why this expression is due. The young spy answers, "nothing but apparently he has seen an octopus of great size on the coast of Essos" both counselors smile sinisterly, they have found a treasure among the scrolls. In the tower of the hand of Prince Maron he meets Yara the Ancient Lady of the Iron Islands; they discuss his name as the hand of the queen. "Oh little prince how does it feel to be the second man with the most power in the seven kingdoms," Yara asks . "To be honest, I did not expect this appointment, I assumed that you would choose some of your trusted commanders or you," he answers. Yara aughs ironically, "I was not born to be the queen's hand I don't know if you have noticed but politics is not my thing, I perform better with an ax in my hand in my ship than in a desk with pen and ink, but tell me what other intentions you have with the queen. I notice it in your eyes when you have it close, I could tell just like a dog wants a piece of meat." Then, the prince changes his expression to a more serious one" you noticed, well I am not the only one with interest towards the queen that is not limited to the conquest of a kingdom, right Yara," both look very seriously. Yara responds that it is none of his business, he is naive if he thinks he will achieve something with Queen Daenerys. The prince replies not to worry about that, in the past a Martell had already managed to marry a Daenerys. In Dragonpit, Gray Worm observes Missandria he has been in charge of the care and feeding of her and her brothers in addition to the surveillance of the nests. At that moment Daario enters the scene "you have been watching this dragon for three days, it must be a magnificent beast or it will be that you have fallen in love with it by name." The commander of the Unsullied before that joke responds seriously "my mission is to take care of her and her eggs. " Daario tells her not to be disturbed, that's it's just a joke, he is impressed that the mother of dragons will find three new dragons and that now the species is recovering "I'm worried that Queen Daenerys is in danger in the North, the Snow people do not like the Targaryen very much, and they will attack at the first opportunity, "says Gray Worm. Daario replies" Have faith in our queen, she is a brave and strong woman. We have trained her well in these years; she is a warrior capable of defending herself accompanied by Drogon, the greatest and most powerful living dragon. She will be fine with him as guardian." In the North, the army of the night obeys the order of the Night King and initiates the attack, they march in a line towards Winterfell. At the forefront there is the wraiths and the white walkers,there are ice spiders and in the rear there are the giants of ice, waiting behind them is the Night King, the ice dragon, and the White Lady. "If you send the ice dragon it will turn the castle and its occupants into conjectured blocks, they will not serve me for my purposes if that happens, for now what I will keep as an alternative against the Targaryen dragons, "the White Lady meditates as she watches her army march. Sansa observes next to Tormund how the enemy army reaches the lit trenches,which managed to momentarily slow their progress, however spiders and walkers make way for the ice giants, frozen spiders begin to hit and dig the earth, take small Mounds of snow and earth and throw them into the flames of the trenches, little by little the fire is being stifled. "Those monsters will be a great inconvenience," reasons the Queen of the North, "prepare the scorpions, load two with the harpoons with Dragonglass points." The northern soldiers charge the scorpions that had been built to face the mother of dragons at some point in the future, and they point to the enemy giants with the hope that the ice giants will be vulnerable to the darts of Dragonglass such as the ghosts and the white walkers. "FIRE" shouts the queen of the North, the soldiers shoot the scorpions and achieve to hit some ice giants who collapse on contact with darts with Dragonglass, "thanks to the ancient gods that those bastards also die with Vidriagon's weapons," Lord Wyman replies. However, the giants had already managed to create steps through the burning trenches, thanks to them the infantry of death continues its march against the men of the North. Noticing the scorpions the White Lady brings a snowstorm that hinders the visibility of the archers and the scorpions giving shelter to the giants. The white spiders advance at high speed against the army of the living, they are the first to hit the Northerners, if they weren't for their Dragonglass weapons they would have been easily slaughtered but the enemy feels no fear attacks without fatigue, each spider can easily take the lives of ten men before being killed by the swords of Dragonglass daggers. Lord Sherwin, Lord Dormunt fight bravely without stepping back but the ice spiders receive support from the second wave of death formed by wraiths and white walkers. Little by little, the mounds of corpses accumulate around them one by one the lords of the great northern houses are falling dead spiders seem endless on another front of the battle the living are at the mercy of the giants of ice who crush the living like flies and because of the snowstorm the scorpions cannot accurately hit the giants. Sansa analyzes the situation with her commanders, they know it will be a matter of time before being defeated at that time they hear a roar. They watch a black dragon approaching the castle, Sansa's men prepare the scorpions and point to Drogon but Sansa stops them , order them to concentrate on the giants on the battlefield. "So he came in person to support us or just want me to bend his knee, well no matter his help is indispensable for us" concludes the Queen of the North. Drogon flies over Winterfell Daenerys watches the army of death order his dragon to attack the enemy "DRACARYS" Drogon throws a sea of fire on the wraiths and white spiders but at that moment he notices one of the ice giants. She directs him to attack them, yet the ice giant is no match for Drogon's breath of fire, only one of these giants may not have a chance with a dragon. However, Daenerys watches a group of giants heading towards her, so she undertakes the flight to the castle of Winterfell, while flying manages to observe the ice dragon and the White Lady but fails to distinguish the rider from the enemy dragon. "That thing doubles the size of Drogon must match or even surpass the legendary Balerion, as such a beast can exist, it would be very useful against Victarion Greyjoy and his sea monster, it is a pity that he is on the opposite side" thinks Queen Daenerys overwhelmed by the scale of that dragon. She lands in Winterfell when she descends from the Drogon, she goes towards Sansa and faces her, telling her that she will support her in the battle but she only has Drogon. Sansa accepts but knows that it will not be dirty the difference in power between both sides is abysmal ice giants they break through crushing the northern army, Daenerys quickly reassembles Drogon and confronts these colossal creatures in the distance, burns them with the dragon fire but soon realizes that they are beginning to surround, the army of the night is huge, The White Lady, upon noticing the presence of Drogon or Daenerys, instructs the Night King "you, my loyal commander, get ready."When giving the signal it undertakes the flight. Daenerys returns to the castle burning the spiders, ghosts and giants that she finds in her way. After arriving Winterfell, then she talks to Sansa "you must accompany me to the capital right now, if you stay here you will die without any doubt, you will not be able to win seeing the numbers and resources with which they have," the queen Daenerys speaks. The Night King raises his arms his power is much greater and with greater reach than in his previous reincarnation, the dead of the battle camouflage are already starting to rise the army of the night is growing, but not only is returning the life to the fallen. In the battle camouflage the Winterfell crypts begin to fracture and the dead who used to rest there, wake up. It is observed as the tomb of Ned Stark blows open. In the castle Daenerys insists Sansa to accompany her, "if you stay here your people will not have anyone to guide them, you are Mrs. Winterfell and the guardian in the North. " Sansa responds with the dignity and height that characterize her, "no I am the guardian in the North, I am the queen in the North if I leave my men I will be a coward, not very different from Joffrey or Cersei, I do not want to be remembered as the fleeing queen " Shouts are heard inside the castle the specters of the crypts They emerge and begin the attack against everything seen alive in the castle. Tormund and Wyman Manderlay defend Queen Sansa and Daenerys, the mother of dragons takes a Dragonglass sword and fights alongside them, Sansa realizes that Daenerys remind her of the Targaryen warriors that her sister Arya admired as a child, Daenerys returns to yell at Sansa and says, "leave your pride aside, your children and your husband wait for you, your people need you alive". The White Lady gives the order to the Night King "my most valuable soldier is time, just with the enemy brings their heads to my feet" Jon gives the order to his dragon, he goes to the castle of Winterfell. Daenerys takes Sansa's hand and asks her one last time to escape, Tormund, Wyman asks him to do the same the queen of the North at that time gives him a parchment sealed with the Stark emblem "this is my last will, please, I will give it to you, I will not abandon my men, I will not turn my back on them, the North is a your if you wish, but protect my people who are refugees beyond the neck "Daenerys at that moment understands that Sansa will not leave there , take the parchment and ride Drogon orders him to rise and " go to the capital alone" I hate to admit it but my people my house and all the seven kingdoms depend on you mother of dragons, rule wisely this time " Sansa meditates while watching rise to Drogon with Daenerys. Daenerys flees and Drogon barely manages to dodge a bite of the ice dragon but not before asserting a blow on the face of the enemy, leaving the mark of his claws on his skin and flesh. The mother of dragons at that moment almost fleeting realizes the identity of the new Night King, realizes that it is Jon Snow, and strongly holds that dagger with which he killed her in the past and can not prevent a tear escape from her eye. "Drogon fly up faster; we must escape" the overwhelmed dragon mother shouts. The Night King does not chase Queen Daenerys, but orders his dragon to land near Winterfell. Perhaps something about Jon Snow inside prevents him from harming the dragon queen for now.

 Perhaps something about Jon Snow inside prevents him from harming the dragon queen for now

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