Dance of ice and fire: Part 2

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In Kings Landing, Maron and Yara are located on the outskirts of the capital's walls, the Dorniense army and the Iron Men under Yara's command are stationed waiting for the enemy, "if the enemy has reached the capital, he wants to say that the queen and the army of the Seven Kingdoms have failed, is not it? ", indicates the hand of the queen, Yara responds that she is sure that the queen is still alive, but, if she worries about how the enemy passed her Four dragons and I get here, and as I manage to get so fast from the Neck and the Rivers lands, Maron replies that they will soon know the answers, to prepare for the worst. Bronn is on the ramparts, overseeing the security of the gates, while his army is guarding the inside of the Capital entrance. The Storm is sharpening, the enemy will soon be in front of them, "Iron Men, today they will demonstrate why they are the fiercest warriors of the Seven Kingdoms, the Dead does not die again" "the dead does not die again", shout Yara and their men; "Soldiers, today we will let the enemy know because the Targaryens feared the Dornienses, today we will reaffirm our warrior caste before the world, today the Rhoynar will not bow to the enemy," Prince Martell shouts at his Men. On the wall, in front of the Alto Jardín army, Bronn observes his men, "I suppose I must dedicate a few words to them, very good bastards, the idiot who dies today, will see how another fucks his widow, they had better survive, if I see someone escaping, I will cut his neck personally, they understood, "shouts the Lord, encouraging his men to their personal style. At that moment the Ice Dragon lands in front of the Iron Men and the Dornienses, the White Lady observes the Dornienses troops and the iron men, "I must admit that mortals have an iron will, I will recognize their bravery, but, they are still flies for the beast from the north and death ", comes down from the Ice Dragon, delivered a speech to the living," I am the Queen Corpse, the lady of death, surrender to me, and I promise you a quiet death and quickly, after her I will give them the gift of immortality, they will no longer suffer sorrows, hunger, wars, poverty or any of the evils that the same man has caused to his fellow men, under my reign they will all be the same, nobody will oppress again other". Prince Maron replies "I only serve the living and their queen, Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons, thanks for the offer, but we reject it", Yara, in turn, stresses between ridicules "if you were alive and you were a few thousand years old younger, I would give you a place as one of my salt wives, for now, I only offer you my ax in the middle of your eyes ", Bronn observes the scene" these children do not know that the taunts against the enemy come after cutting off their heads "reflects the lord of Alto Jardín. Hearing these mocking words, the White Lady changes her expression to a more serious one, "if you want it deadly, I will show you why they are flies in the games of the gods", he observes the Night King, and orders him "see my king Nocturnal, show the strength of your beast, do not limit their power against these soldiers, we only need the civilians inside, once we destroy their defenses and enter the city, we will kill one by one and create a new army, then we will go for the dragons you drink, you will have to tame them and wait until they are adults so that they can become ghosts to our services, then we will go after the descendant of the Gray King ". The Night King obeys, the Ice Dragon roars loudly, jumping in front of the Dorniense and Hierro armies, the sight of that beast in front of those soldiers is intimidating. The beast releases its icy breath without limiting its strength, sweeping away miles of men in a matter of minutes, turned into the brittle glass that it destroys with its footsteps. Daenerys and her dragons finally find themselves in the capital, they find a frozen field full of ice stakes and a destroyed body, the Dorian and Iron Man forces were decimated, those who did not flee or lie unconscious, have become paddles Icy, the expression of horror is still reflected on their frozen faces. They see that the entrance to King's Landing was destroyed. They will find Yara trying to free Maron's arm from an ice wall, "Come on, little prince, you will not give up now that the queen is watching you", the prince smiles, "there is only one alternative, cut my arm", Daenerys at Hearing this informs him that the ice the northern beast produces is fire resistant, the prince is right, he requires cutting off his arm. Yara takes his ax, and with a short blow, Maron's arm burns his wound with a hot iron. "Yara, take care of the queen's hand," Daenerys orders. They enter the city with their dragons, they find Bronn, barely alive, but conscious, "Her Majesty, the gods smile at us, but it annoys the crown, I would like to withdraw from your service, for now, I need a rest", the queen He asks where the enemy is heading, he answers that they are going to Dragon Well, the city was evacuated as planned, the White Lady is not attacking with her beast, after this Bronn loses consciousness, but continues to breathe. In Dragonpit, the White Lady interrogates an Immaculate soldier, "tell me mortal, where are the dragons that guard this city, and where are the inhabitants? To be the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, it is very strange that find no one. " The immaculate responds that he will not get any information from him, he tries to attack the White Lady, but the Night King reacts and decapitates him, "mortals are going from being annoying flies to stones in my boots", the White Lady reproaches. Hearing a nearby roar, it is about Drogon and his brothers, attacking the Ice Dragon, causing the beast from the north to separate from the Night King and the White Lady. Daenerys, Gray Worm, Arya, and Gendry are face to face with the White Lady, "this war ends now", shouts Daenerys, the White Lady smiles "take good care of your dragons". The Ice Dragon this time fights with full force, attacks with great ferocity the Targaryen dragons, which with effort manage to dodge their frozen breath, but the beast from the north takes Barristal with its huge claws, bites and tears the body of the bronze-colored dragon, Barristal is very badly wounded, he roars full of pain, his ribs are broken by the blows of the Ice Dragon, his blood stains the sand of Dragonpit, the northern beast ends his attack using his frozen breath against Barristal, frozen his body without much difficulty, to then break its crystallized body with a claw of its enormous claws, and with a stomp it breaks the frozen head of the dragon Targaryen, roaring victoriously. Daenerys observes the fate of one of her children, remembers how she lost Viserion and Rhaegal more than six years ago in the previous wars, never thought she would go through the pain of losing one of her beloved dragons again, full of anger she throws herself against the White Lady, Arya supports her in combat, the White Lady without much difficulty is measured with them, and in a mocking way says to Daenerys, "you should not be surprised girl, her mere presence in the north kept away from the lands more Beyond the wall to the Targaryen dragons, that's why your dragons never felt comfortable in the North, even in his long dream, it caused Balerion the great black terror to keep the North away, Aegon the Conqueror never understood the attitude of his dragon, when they approached that region, dragons are no match for my winged beast, "these words further infuriate Daenerys. Then he looks at Arya, the Corpse Queen tells her "what we have here, little Stark, tell me what it feels like to be the last daughter of Ned Stark who still survives, what it feels like to have lost everything, your home, your family, your brothers, and even knowing that it was one of your brothers who destroys the entire North, I cannot imagine your pain, since this is my diet and it entertains, here you have me, I am guilty that you lost everything ", the young northern woman changes her expression, and attacks her more forcefully, the queen and the young adventurer fight with all their might against the White Lady, who only mocks his attempts to kill her. Gray Worm and Gendry confront the Night King, they battle the commander of the White Lady, but their strength over the human means that they have to retreat every time they attack, they look for a window to manage to nail their spear or their Dragonglass ax. In the combat of Daenerys and Arya against the White Lady, the young northern woman manages to nail one of her glass daggers to the Corpse Queen, making the young woman smile for a moment, thinking that at last I finish off the enemy, but the White Lady He pushes her, takes the dagger from her belly and takes it out, smiling says "I am death girl, you cannot eliminate me, your weapons serve against my servants, but not with me, it will not be so easy this time Arya Stark" , after this, the White Lady takes that dagger and wounds the young Stark in the side. Daenerys and Arya do not attest to what they observe, how will they kill the White Lady? The Night King has Gendry and Gray Worm cornered, he has disarmed them, the Ice Dragon takes Missandria and throws her to the ground. The female dragon falls near the Immaculate and Lord Baratheon when the beast observes that the Night King wants to attack the Gray Worm, it infuriates, and with its tail hits it, throwing it towards the White Lady, Daenerys, and Arya. When the Night King rises, the White Lady smiles, with an ironic tone says to Daenerys "mother dragons, do you like tragedies ?, I adore a good work that ends in a tragedy, and what better tragedy than the hero fallen that kills his beloved, "he immediately orders his Night King to attack Daenerys. The Night King takes Daenerys by the neck, he is progressively hanging her, while the brightness of his eyes is escaping, the Mother of Dragons tries to stab him with her Dragonglass dagger, but Jon takes the dagger before he hits the blow and he takes it off, the white lady pleased by that vision given him, "kill her and destroy all her hopes", Daenerys with much difficulty, places her hand on the cheek of the Night King, and whispers "Jon don't do it, fight, fight against it. " The White Lady laughs, "Surrender mother of dragons, the one you knew as Jon and you can't listen, now he's just one of my servants." The Night King watches Queen Daenerys as her life escapes, something has awakened in him, he releases the mother of dragons, and nails the Vidriagon dagger that he took from Daenerys in the White Lady, the Corpse Queen with an annoyed expression. He takes hold of the neck, "you disappoint me, I was the one who created you, I can also destroy you", raising another arm, introducing it into the chest of his former commander, extracting the Vidriagón knife with which Jon was transformed into the current Night King. Jon begins to change, his skin becomes warm again, his heart begins to beat, but his life ends, the white lady releases him, and before falling to the ground, Jon looks Daenerys in the eyes, and with his last breath he whispers, "I'm so sorry, don't give up." Upon touching the ground, the Ice Dragon immediately stops fighting against Drogon and his surviving brothers, who are barely standing, the beast taps Drogon with his tail, stunning him, and after that flies towards Jon, upon landing, he crushes the White Lady, takes the body of his former rider, and flies north, losing himself in the storm. Daenerys remembers the words of the Raven of the three eyes and of Kinvara about the light bearer and the dagger that carries her blood, she takes that dagger and cuts her hand, when doing this the dagger ignites, with a light and a heat that never he had seen before, and taking advantage of the fact that the White Lady is barely rejoining the Ice Dragon attack, he launches himself against her. The Corpse Queen wants to take her in the middle of her attack, but Arya, Gendry and Gray Worm attack her from behind, causing her to be distracted for a second, which Daenerys used to stab her in the chest with Carrier of Light, just when she stabs her weapon on the White Lady, the storm stops, and the White Lady releases Queen Daenerys, falling to her knees, uttering her last words "damn mortals, it is in your hands brother", to finally fall unconscious before Daenerys and the others, The war against the forces of death has come to an end, The Corpse Queen was put into a long dream that would last millennia. A few weeks later, Daenerys is in the throne room, accompanied by Gray Worm, listening to the residents of King's Landing who request the help of the crown for the reconstruction of their homes and businesses that were destroyed by the northern beast. Yara, Prince Maron, Bronn, and Arya are under the care of Grand Master Samwell while recovering from their injuries. A Royal Guard informs the queen that a man is outside, an audience cries out urgently to her, Daenerys explains to her that she must wait her turn, as there are several people who have been waiting longer. The guard insists the man claims that he comes from Pentos. The queen tells her in a quite serious tone to let him pass, and that everyone except Gray Worm leaves the Throne Room, that man who urgently requests an audience is Magister llyrio Mopatis from Pentos, his former host when he was a young woman without no title or armies. The queen cannot hide the concern on her face, she rises from the throne, asking him why he is in King's Landing without notifying him in advance, the Magistrate brings in his hands a chest with a black Kraken and carved red eyes, "my queen, I have failed in the promise I made, please forgive me ", Daenerys takes the chest, and when she opens it, she finds a lock of hair dyed blue, next to a brooch with the figure of a dragon and her baby, she reigns with a tear running down her cheek and her voice between whispers whispers "no ... Jaehaerys". In Braavos, Victarion is enjoying a great banquet, Morroco, Olyvar and that blue-haired boy who was on his boat when he arrived in the free city and destroyed the Titan of Braavos, the iron man tells the child who eats, they are the best dishes of Essos, it is not safe when they manage to eat something the same. The boy refuses to eat, observing his attitude, Victarion leaves his glass full of Sunset Color on the table and responds "I expected no less from a Targaryen, proud and with a huge ego, they have always seen other families as unimportant beings, such as cockroaches, prince, or young Griff, as I should call you ", the boy looks at him with a challenging expression, replies" my name is Jaehaerys Targaryen, the third named, son of Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of the Seven kingdoms and Mother of Dragons, never forget that when you are burned alive by Drogon and his brothers. " Victarion laughs at these words showing that he is not afraid of the Targaryen dragons, and replies "and even so, despite your mother and her dragons, today you are under my mercy, your life belongs to me, but for now you serve me more alive ", after this he continues drinking that blue substance in his skull cup. One of his sailors interrupts him, apologizes to him, informs him that the last guest has finally arrived, Victarion orders him to be allowed in, that guest is a Free Man, the Kraken master immediately recognizes him and asks "¿ Raven, was your sister eliminated? ", The Three-Eyed Raven replies," the gods cannot kill themselves, you can only make them sleep, but each god is different from another, each one has a method to force them to winter for millennia, the mother of dragons managed to sleep the White Lady as we had planned ", crow's eye takes off his patch, raises his glass and screams," men, a toast to our most valuable collaborator, the Raven of the Three Eyes, sit down, enjoy of the banquet, you can taste everything, including human flesh, but the Color of the Sunset is reserved only for the captain ", the Raven smiles and sits at the captain's table," now we will wait for your mother to come for you, prince " Victarion points out while smiling to a frightened Jaehaerys. In the north, a bonfire is observed in the middle of the ruins of Winterfell, near it, the Ice Dragon rests; a figure walks across the field, encounters Claw, the Valyrian Steel sword Tormund wielded during the last battle against the White Lady and her army. That man takes the sword, keeps it in a sheath and fastens it to his belt when he approaches the fire, it is revealed that this figure is Jon Snow, who had survived after the White Lady had removed Dragonglass dagger, he draws the Ice Dragon closer, placing his hand on the beast's snout, saying "Comrade south, we have a new mission to accomplish." Ride the Ice Dragon and fly south, the beast roars majestically in the sky as he heads to his new destination.

"  Ride the Ice Dragon and fly south, the beast roars majestically in the sky as he heads to his new destination

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