Clash of dragons: Part 2

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Observing what happened Daenerys decides to attack the Ice Dragon with her four dragons, ordering the archers to focus on the ice spiders and ghosts, and the scorpions on the Ice Giants. After this, he takes flight, heading at full speed against the Night King. Drogon attacks the Ice Dragon by surprise, followed by his brothers, the flames of the Targaryen dragons, although they do not burn the enemy, if they bother him, continuous exposure could have problems, the Ice Dragon maneuvers not to receive a direct shot from the Drogon's dark fire. Daenerys screams desperately trying to give Drogon instructions, but her beast is guided more by her predatory instinct than by the queen's orders, her younger siblings attack more agilely, trying to dodge the icy breath of the North Dragon, occasionally scratching, which are hard scratches on its thick skin, Drogon manages to hit a flare on the side of the northern beast, but it turns around and throws its icy breath, which knocks the Dragon Targaryen off balance, causing it to almost fall to the ground. Taking a quick turn, the blue beast knocks Missandria down with a flick of its huge tail, "Missandria," Daenerys yells, but little can she do to help her in the midst of battle, the female dragon falls to the ground near the formation of the Unsullied, she is stunned by the blow. This scene is observed by Gray Worm, immediately ordered to his squad will be ready for battle, now they have as a secondary mission to protect Missandria until he regains consciousness The dead arrived in the trenches and barriers lit, The Ice Giants manage to break these barriers, they modified the infantry of the White Lady to continue marching, the horns sound again, the forces of Westeros have no other way out than to attack the enemy army, the Valley knights and the Dothrakis riders collide with the ice spiders and the walkers they serve like its riders; the infantry, second sons, and a few Dothrakis warriors on foot are desperately fighting the wraiths, had it not been for their swords, and Dragonglass Arakhs made by Storm's End had already died. The Baratheon army forces resist the advances of the ice spiders, while in the rear, the scorpions take down one by one the Ice Giants, who have claimed the lives of several dozen soldiers, Arya and Gendry fight on the front lines, Arya manages to get rid of the ghosts that attack her very easily, occasionally giving support to Lord Baratheon. For their part, the archers constantly fire at the field, towards the rear of the enemy to avoid taking down their own men. The specters reach the squadrons of Immaculate commanded by Gray Worm, the warriors fight bravely, but the hordes of the dead are slowly gaining ground, their target apparently is Missandria, the White Lady wants her like a specter. In the sky, Daenerys and her dragons fight to keep a certain distance against the Ice Dragon, the Night King, makes his improvement use his frozen breath which collides with the flare of the three Targaryen dragons. In a desperate attempt, Daenerys ordered Drogon to investigate the Ice Dragon, causing the Night King to lose his balance and be knocked off his beast, falling very close to Daario Naharis's forces. Realizing this, Daario launches the attack on his own, but is stopped by a group of ghosts, he entered surrounded. Daenerys observes this, descends towards Daario and with the help of Drogon saves him from certain death, the queen decides that they must end this quickly, they must attack the White Lady directly. The White Lady enters the field, "I am fed up with these mortals, it will be better if I act on my own", she is not only a powerful entity, who dominates magic, fights with certain mastery when the warriors of Westeros in her path confrontations. When the Corpse Queen reaches the second children, Daenerys surprises her, landing on her, then throwing her away with the help of Drogon. Get off her dragon, he returns to flight to continue fighting the Ice Dragon, the queen gives instructions to Daario, "we must focus on her, I can see that she is the one who orders the Night King, if we finish her, this war will come to an end. " "My queen, I will accompany you to exterminate with that white witch", contestant Daario to Queen Daenerys. But both see in the distance a spectral horse marching among the ghosts, its rider was a man with the characteristics of Free Mens, he crosses the forces of death without much difficulty, it is the Raven of the Three Eyes, carrying Sister Dark, one of the ancestral swords of the Targaryen, with which a blow kills every ghost that is in its way. Daenerys asks "Who are you warrior, identify yourself, explain why you have a Valyrian steel sword?", The Raven answers this "you have already forgotten me the mother of Dragons, reign these lands before his coronation", upon hearing this, Daenerys he responds in anger "he has returned, because we should not kill you again, he has returned for my crown, you are still ambitious for the kingdom of men", the crow laughs briefly, "not your highness, or at least it is not his purpose that brings me here, if my Sister wins, there will be no kingdom of men to rule, this time I am your ally, perhaps the only ally who can give you the key to victory. " Daario responds with annoyance "what do you mean bastard?", The Raven looks at them seriously, "there is no time for this, they must march against my sister, mother of dragons, in her belt is the key to defeat her, Carrier of light is In your possession, I know very well that my father's lord in Volantis told you about her, with that dagger he will defeat my sister and will stop this absurd war that only seeks to spread death. " After this, following his march, eliminating a spectrum on his way, making way for the White Lady for Daario and Queen Daenerys. In the field, Robin Arryn fights against the wraiths alongside the knights of the valley, although he has improved as a warrior, the enormous number of enemy forces are dominating him, he is hit in the face, when he was about to be assassinated, Mr. Royce He comes to help him, although he manages to save him, to die at the hands of a group of ghosts. Robin upon seeing him goes into shock, he had stopped being that bratty and pedantic boy from the past, Lord Royce had become his mentor, "stupid old man, now you abandon your duty, you disappoint me", the young lord shouts at the Counselor's corpse of war. Gray Worm and his men fight with all their forces against the dead, but they are being overcome by the enemy, when Gray Worm is in front of the ghosts, they are about to kill him, but at that moment a roar interrupts the scene, Missandria has awakened, he saves with his flames and claws the group of the Unsullied. The dragon watches Gray Worm, and finds herself Inca to allow her to mount, Gray Worm immediately understands and becomes the rider of Missandria in that battle. Drogon and other dragons are being overtaken by the Ice Dragon, they have been shot down, this giant beast very easily dominated Jorahgan and Barristal, he has them imprisoned under his claws, desperate and helpless, Drogon is filled with fury, the reincarnation of terror Black attacks with the largest and wildest flare he has ever had, smashing it into the head of the Ice Dragon, the beast from the North, freeing the lesser dragons, and sets off to get away from Drogon's fire, must avoid an exposure sustained, otherwise its resistance to fire will be worth little and its life in danger. After that, the Targaryen dragons take flight, directing their attacks towards the Ice Giants, with their claws, fangs, and flames, knocking them down one by one. The White Lady is reunited with her Night King, who had ended up with a squad of second Sons with relative ease, "our army has already lost a lot of time, we have lost more than half of our forces, those damned scorpions and the dragons of Daenerys have claimed the lives of most surviving Giants, we must fly south, it is our only alternative if we wish to win. " In the sky, Missandria, mounted by Gray Worm, burned enemy in the Immaculate for the first time shows some enthusiasm on his face, which was cold thanks to the training that field, received, the sensation of riding that beast was indescribable, and could not avoid remembering his beloved Missandei, "Missandria, let's finish them all, our queen trusts us, we will not fail her", the dragon roars has accepted the Immaculate as its rider, records the field to support her brothers against the Ice Giants, burning hundreds of ice spiders in its wake. Arya and Gendry, continue fighting against the legions of ghosts, along with the Storm's End army, at one point Gendry yells "Arya, behind you", Arya turns and is about Sansa and Ned, both ghosts attack the young woman northerner, who manages to dodge his attacks, but is doubtful of attacking those who were his family at some point, meanwhile, a spectral Tormund fights against Gendry, the lord does not back down, he understands that he is no longer the ally he met in the North, and with an ax blow, he breaks the ghost's skull, killing him on the spot. Seeing this, Arya reacts, "you are no longer my family, I will have no contemplation", attacks without any anguish the corpses of her father and sister, showing her hierarchy as a warrior and the skill she acquired during her travels to the known world and unknown The panorama looks encouraging for the army of the Seven Kingdoms, the enemy forces are being defeated, their numbers decrease with each passing minute. The specters that still stand, number in the tens and hundreds, when before they were miles, the last ice spiders are being cornered by the riders of the Valley and Dothrakis, and the Ice Giants, they are cornered by Drogon and his brothers, the scorpions with vidriagon spears had drastically decreased their numbers, this was seen by the White Lady and the Night King, "I could order my warrior to raise the enemy dead, but they do not have an army as numerous as the one I had, Besides, I lost even more time, if only I could take over the dragons, I feel that there are more of those beasts, but they are very far from here, I cannot waste any more time ", reflects the White Lady," Sister, it is time for give up, your plan to spread death ends now, "cries the Free Man," that voice, my dear brother, has returned, but what a pathetic image has it chosen, "replies the White Lady," I had no other alternative, you killed to my carrier candidate and you turned her into a specter, "answers the Raven," yes, but you still have three magnificent candidates alive, of course, until I kill them "," not if I get to them first ", after saying these words , the Raven sets off off the battlefield, looking for something or someone. After breaking through with the help of the Three-Eyed Raven, Daenerys and Daario reached the Night King. "Give up witch, your forces are being decimated, your soldiers are vulnerable to our weapons," says Queen Daenerys. The White Lady smiles, "a mortal with guts, Who do you believe to speak to the lady of death in that way"; "I am the queen of the seven kingdoms and the mother of dragons, then defeat you in this battle, your ice dragon will be one of my children", Daenerys responds to the provocation, "So you wish the Ice Dragon, last mother of dragons, only someone who mixes blood of the first men and the ancient Valyria can be its rider, and at this precise moment, there are only two people who can be the masters of the legendary beast, and only one is in the field. " Hearing this, the Queen is enraged, and rushes against the White Lady, supported by Daario, however, a group of wraiths surrounds their masters, blocking Daenerys' path, face to fight against the Queen and the commander of the Second Sons. , the White Lady gives the order to her Night King to end them, "end this Night King, these mortals are a minor nuisance", the white walker approaches Daario and Daenerys, takes out his ice sword and prepares To attack, Daario realizes and attacks him first, his fight is even for brief moments, until with a blow the Night King knocks down the warrior of Daenerys, when he rejoins, he is crossed by the ice sword, staining the place with his blood, "damn bastard" he pronounces with difficulty Daario, and spits blood in the face of the N King King, drawing his sword, falling to Daario, seriously wounded, perhaps it is his last most valuable warrior battle, let's not waste time in this field , l lick your beast "My fly south, feel miles of souls, may not have an army to protect them", Jon keeps his ice sword, takes the Winter Horn to call his dragon, it descends and allows the Lady to ride Blanca on the orders of her rider, then Jon rides his beast and orders it to fly, "to the south my Night King, we will win this war, while they are distracted in this battle." As the winged beast heads for King's Landing, the Corpse Queen plans to create an army out of proportion to her civilian population. Drogon lands on the scene, burning the ghosts that surround Daenerys and Daario, the queen takes her commander in her arms, cries because she knows her destiny, the warrior, barely consciously whispers, "grant me one last wish, my queen", Daenerys tries to silence him, "keep your breath old friend, help will come soon", Daario laughs with difficulties, coughing up some blood "my fate is already sealed, I don't have much time left, let me go with one last kiss from the woman to the one I love, of the queen who served and always served ", Daenerys tearfully, takes the face of Daario, and gives him a last kiss as a farewell, Daario after this smiles, at that moment that warrior closes his eyes in his arms of his queen, he leaves this world with a smile on his face. Daenerys holds Daario's corpse tightly, Drogon wraps her wings and keeps the dead away from her queen as she cries for her warrior.

  Daenerys holds Daario's corpse tightly, Drogon wraps her wings and keeps the dead away from her queen as she cries for her warrior

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