Chapter 3: To Keep or Not to Keep

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I was seated cross-legged on the floor with my "arts box" in front of me. My room was in disorder. In my left was a pile of stuff that I will throw away, although not all of them. There are some which were still in good condition and I planned to handover them. On my right were the ones I'll keep.

I had the letter in my hand and contemplating – left or right? Suddenly I heard the opening beats of Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys and Jay-Z. Someone's calling. I turned to my bed and picked up my phone.

"Yo, ma homie!" I answered. It was my best friend Driggs.

"Wazzup? You're up early. What are you up to?" he asked. I glanced at the wall clock, its 9:05 am.

"It's past 9:00am that's not early anymore. For you maybe...awake at 9:00am on your rest day? That is so not you! What's with you today?" I returned to where I was seated.

"I was the first one to ask a question," he reminded me. "Anyway, our next-door neighbor's having their house renovated. It's noisy here because of the construction. And FYI, I've been awake since 8:00am but I've been trying to go back to sleep. If I can only mute the noise, I would".

"Oh, okay," I was convinced because I can hear the sound of hammers and what seems to be a delivery truck backing up.

"And you? What's Lytes' agenda today?

"Well, I'm sorting my things for the move. I wouldn't bring all my stuff to the new house, particularly the ones I don't use anymore. They would end up in storage still if I take them with me. So I'd rather throw these away, or give them to charity if they can still be used. I would keep the ones that are important to me".

"You need help?"

"Nope! I got it covered."

"I have free time to spare and you would need my muscles to carry your things," he offered.

"Muscles? Where?" I asked and laughed out loud.

Driggs was flexing his arm in front of the mirror. "It's right here on my left and right arms. They need a bit of exercise though."

"Well, you can start by cleaning your room!"

"Hey, my room's clean!" he said defensively. Driggs started to pick up the clothes he wore from last night that were scattered on the floor.

"Clean? From what I saw yesterday, I don't think anyone would agree with you. I noticed that ever since you came home and started living with your parents again you've forgotten how to be domesticated."

"If I tidy up my room, what else would Manang Dolor do?"

Before I could reply, Driggs immediately added, "I admit, my room was a mess yesterday but it's not always like that. Hey, I'm not a teenager anymore. And having to live alone for a long time, I know exactly how to keep my space in shipshape. Manang Dolor told me that she might lose her job because there's nothing to clean in my room. So sometimes I leave a few things in disorder. Yesterday was really an exception because of my nephews. They're so at home that they thought my room is the extension of theirs."

"Ah, okay. Sorry, Driggs." I said in my sweet apologetic voice. "For a moment there I felt I judged you. I'm just concerned that you're taking "the luxury of being home" too literally."

"No harm done!" He assured. I have the tendency of turning my assumptions to a fact. But Driggs knows well how to counter that, an explanation is all I need.

"So, shall I drop by today? I haven't seen you for a week, until your quick visit yesterday. We didn't even get to talk much. You seem to be busy nowadays with work and Anthony. No time for your best friend?"

"I'm busy with work and this move."

I had to think twice and added, "And Anthony too. He demands quality time before he leaves for his business trip-slash-vacation. He will be away for 10 days."

"My spider sense tells me there's something that we need to discuss about this trip." He sensed it right and that tone of hesitation gave it away.

"Driggs, don't you even think about making a surprise appearance here today! Anthony will be here by lunch time...and he..." I sighed. "Just doesn't want you around". There! I said it.

"You're boyfriend still finds me a threat? How long have you two been together, huh?"

"One year in less than three weeks...on the 23rd. Just...please. I'll tell you about it when we see each other. He's leaving tonight and I don't want to send him off mad at me. Tomorrow you can help out...but not today, okay?"

"Okay, I understand. It'll be there tomorrow then."

"And I want to show you a bunch of stuff I found from way back. More epic than throwback Thursdays and flashback Fridays," I said as I picked up the letter and placed it on the pile on my right.

"Sounds like something GOOD to look forward to!" he said with excitement.

We hung up the phone. I looked at my "for keeps" stash and smiled.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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