Chapter 11: The Men in My Life

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"Come to think of it, Mike's the only person I wrote a letter to other than Driggs," I continued with my self-monologue as I hung the towel on the rack.

While taking off my clothes, I pondered, "I've had crushes before, when I was young, but I've never dared write anything to them. The closest are those heart cards on Valentines. But those are lame, childish, and immature". I shook my head and smiled, feeling dumb at the recollection.

I stepped inside the shower and closed the curtain. I turned the shower knob and the water spurted straight to my face. I was startled and was unable to breathe for a few seconds. The water went directly into my nose! I shifted the knob and adjusted the water to a bearable volume.

The cold water running from my head through my whole body somewhat unleashes these questions I never thought before:

Why do I still keep that freaking letter? I should have burned it before.

What could've been his reaction? I shook my head trying to erase that query.

I don't want to know.

Do I still want to give it to him? Hell no! He's probably in a relationship now or married. It's so inappropriate!

I could then hear Driggs' voice:

"Too bad, he never knew how you felt. It would have been nice to know what may have happened."

Arrrghhhh Driggs! Why do you have to be nosy and rummage through my stuff?! The letter should've been kept in oblivion!

But then, I'm thankful it was Driggs who uncovered it. I know he will never expose my secret, even to Kat. Come to think of it, he was the first to recognize that I was in love with Mike. Now he's making me contemplate on this "what if".

Is he thinking that I still have the letter because I am still in love with Mike?!?! Oh Driggs, you're such a mischievous best friend!

>My Best Friend

Rodrigo Valdez and I go way, way back. We went to the same elementary school and I met him in 4th grade.

It was a big deal for me to be part of the star section. I feel that most opportunities are given to students in this class. Belonging to the second best section wasn't bad, but I truly wanted to be "amongst the outstanding" when I graduate. I wasn't the best student in section 2, but I study hard to be in the top 10% of my class. This would give me the chance to transfer to the highest section. And so it happened.

On the first day of class, I sat in the front row, which was logical considering I was quite short. Our Adviser, Mrs. De Leon, wasn't feeling well that day so she assigned someone to write down our class schedule. She chose me, and luckily I have a good handwriting. The only setback was that I could use up only three-fourths of the space. I couldn't reach the upper portion of the blackboard and must use a chair to do so.

Aside from the class schedule, I also wrote our daily prayer, welcome song and a list of school supplies required. I had used up the whole blackboard when my Teacher added a parting/end-of-class song. Someone had to erase the board so I can write the song and since Driggs was the tallest student in the class, he was the immediate pick. This was the start of our partnership.

Our Adviser was nearing her retirement but she continues to teach. She could no longer endure standing in front of the class the whole session and she'd sneeze uncontrollably with long exposure to chalk powder. When this happens, she starts to dictate the lesson or seeks my help to write on the board. I really do not mind as I relish the idea of being look up to. I feel I'm the teacher. It was a responsibility too as, eventually, I was voted as the class secretary.

Signed, Sealed...UndeliveredWhere stories live. Discover now