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Meliodas's P.O.V

I wake up to see my beautiful wife asleep beside me, her wrap over my stomach. Looking at her sleeping form beside me, only makes me feel and feel peace, "So beautiful, Y/N, darling it's time to wake up," I say softly kissing her nose.

I watch as she wakes up and smiles at me, "Morning Meli," She says and hugs me.

"Good morning, come on. Let's get ready and go to the forest," I say and the two of us get ready.

Elizabeth, Y/N, Hawk and I make our way into the forest and have been walking around for three hours, "We've been walking in this forest for nearly three hours..." Elizabeth starts to say, "And still haven't seen a single animal, let alone a person," She adds.

Hawk exhales dramatically, "All I see is tree after tree in this bloody fog, I swear I'll scream if I see one more tree!" He declares.

Y/N's P.O.V

I walk to him and pet him, "Hawk, we're in a forest and they do tend to have a lot of trees," I chuckle.

Elizabeth catches up to me, "Lady Y/N," I glance over to her, "Are you sure one of The Eight Deadly Sins is hiding in this forest?" She asks me. 

"There's a possibility," I say.

Hawk looks up at me, "You mean we came here without any solid evidence?!" He yells.

"There are rumours that monsters live in these woods," Elizabeth adds I squeal, "Lady Y/N!?"

"S-Something is touching my butt," I say blushing.

"Calm down darling. It's only me," Meli says rubbing my butt.

"Oh thank goodness, I was worried for someone there," I say.

"Be worried anyway!" Hawk yells. 

Meli squeezes my butt, rubs between my thighs while adding pressure before quickly removing his hand, "We may not have any evidence, but we do have a hunch. Being in a place where no Holy Knight's will enter, it seems like the best hiding spot for a sin," He says walking ahead of me.

I go to walk but feel a breeze on my butt, "Huh? What the?" I question.

"Something wrong darling?" Meli asks from just in front of me.

I shake my head, "Nope, nothing honey," I blush shaking my head quickly releasing my panties are actually gone.

"Come on you two! We could be attacked by those monsters," Hawk says.

"No one likes an uptight piggy," Meli says with a small smile.

"Who you calling an uptight piggy?!" Hawk yells, "HUH?!" 

Suddenly a herd of Hawk's surrounded the real one, but I instantly lost which one was the real one.

"Oh my," I say, "This is a complete mess, more Hawk's to feed," I facepalm just when the Hawk's run to Meli and I saying they are the real ones.

Meli attacks the Hawk's which they soon hide behind me, "Y/N!!!! Even my mama never hits me like it!" Hawk yells.

"Err, Hawk?" I start but stop as the Hawk shift into me, "Fuck sake," I sigh and we look at Meli, "Meli it's me" "No, I'm the real one, you bitch!" I and the fakes argue about which one of us is the real one.

"Wow, boobie heaven," Meli smirks.

"Now isn't the time Meliodas!" Hawk yells.

"Sir Meliodas, please be serious!" Elizabeth says.

"Please, believe me, honey." "Meli, darling." "Meli~"

"Leave this place!" "Go away," Voices come from the forest.

"What should we do Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth asks.

"I literally can't tell them apart," Meli says as the fakes and I make our way to Meli.

Meli picks Elizabeth and Hawk up jumping over us "Meli!" I call out.

"Oh, my," Meli sits down with a grin, "Which is the real one?" We call out saying it's us. His grin becomes a smirk, "I got an idea," He sits down, "Now, I want you all to be good girls, and do as I tell you to? Okay, my beauties?" 

"Of course!" We say.

"Raise your right hand and put your left hand on your cheek," He says and we do so, "Now call out my name and be a naughty girl."

"Meliodas hi~," We say looking at him with fake moans, I know t drives him crazy.

"Unbutton your top a little, show me cleavage and grab your boobs," Meliodas smirks, we do so blushing looking at him as we go so, "Last one, just as high as you can," he says.

I pretend to jump, the fakes jump and I hold my skirt close to my body, "I'm sorry honey, I just can't," I whimper at not being able to do as he wished.

He attacks the fakes and they turn into Hide-And-Seeks. I look at him as he walks to me with a smile, Elizabeth and Hawk run after them. Meli grins, "I have something for you," He holds out my panties. 

"Meliodas!" I yell snatching them putting them on.

"Come on," He grabs my hand and we run with Elizabeth and Hawk, I watch as the Hide-and-Seeks run to a girl. I look up at the girl and tilt my head.

Meli and I stop in front of the sleeping giant girl, "Lady Diane! We actually let some Holy Knight's trespass here!" The Hide-and-Seeks say frantically.

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