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"Welcome to the Boar Hat! Today onwards, you'll be our new drawing card!" Meliodas announces and I look at him pouting, but it's quickly removed as Meliodas kisses me. 

"First thing's first. Let's get Elizabeth out of those tattered clothes," Hawk says and I nod as there's quite a lot of flesh on view, I'm not liking it at all. 

The three of us make our way to the stairs and Meliodas goes first, "I think that'd draw a lot of attention too, though..." He says. 

I glare at him then hit up, "Shut you pervy mouth, bastard," I snap and he looks at me shocked but doesn't say anything we go to the spare room. 

Meliodas looks in the chest of draws for something, I'm guessing the uniform he stopped me wearing because of attention I was getting, "Found it!" He says and hand's it to Elizabeth, "Put it on," He says and turns around for Elizabeth to change in the en-suite bathroom. 

Once Elizabeth is dressed she walks out of the bathroom looking flustered, "Hmm, I don't know... Are you sure that these clothes will do?" She asks nervously. 

"It's the official uniform!" Meliodas declares.

"Way to put your perviness on display there," Hawk says as Meliodas checking Elizabeth out as he rounds her.

He goes behind her and lifts up the back of her skirt, staring at her ass. She squeals, "E-Excuse me?!" She says blushing brightly.

"Oh calm down, I'm just checking your size," He says.

I go to hit him but Hawk pulls on his shirt and hair, "You jerk! You're going to scare her away!" He says.

Oh please, scare her away forever. 

"It's my duty as the manager," Meliodas says then comes up to me.

I look at him as his hands wrap around my waist and he gropes my ass cheeks, "I think, you need tighter shorts, you're losing weight on your butt again honey," He says.

I roll my eyes, "Hmm Sir Meliodas, Lady Y/N... I want to ask you both something."

"Sure?" We both say looking at her not parting from her.

"Well it's a few things," She gulps and Meliodas nods, "A...Are you both actually married?"

"Yes we are, over 10 years now," Meliodas says and kisses my cheek.

"Does it make you feel awkward?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Oh no, no it doesn't. I find it very cute..." She says very unsurely about it herself, "Are The Eight Deadly Sins... and you both included, really the terrible criminals that society says you are? And if you are... Then what crime are you guilty of?" She asks and I tense up in Meliodas's arm.

Elizabeth notices and panics a little, "I believe that society has you all wrong! I mean, you both rescued me even before you knew who I was!" She says waving her arms around.

"Crime... you ask?" Meliodas says softly releasing me. He turns to her looking serious with his hands on his hips, "Ten years ago, I stole the undergarments of women all across Britannia," He declares.

"Seriously? You're lying right?!" Elizabeth freaks a little.

"I am," Elizabeth looks at her and sweatdrops, "The truth is I went around and groped a thousand pretty ladies with big boobs," He says.

"Groping? You're kidding me!" 

"I am."

"Sir Meliodas, please be serious with me! Or did you commit a crime that you can't even bring yourself to admit it aloud?" She asks.

"Maybe," Meliodas shrugs.

"Lady Y/N?" Elizabeth looks at me.

I sigh and fold my arms, "Ten years ago, I stalked thousand of hot tall men and imaging I was with them and hurt their girlfriends," I shrug looking at them.

"What?!" Meliodas snaps and I ignore him.

"Stalking? You're telling the truth?" She asks.

"I'm not," I say straightly and Meliodas relaxes, "Okay, I went around Britannia, stealing the trousers and boxers of all the sexy men. Staring at their amazing penis's got me worked up enough for Meliodas to please me," I fan myself pretending I'm getting all hot and bothered.

"What?!" Hawk, Elizabeth and Meliodas yell at me.

"I'm joking," I roll my eyes and all three of them sigh and sweatdrops.

"Seriously! Can't you both just be straight?" 

"We're called Deadly Sins for a reason Princess," I say and tilt my head, "I remember my sin, but I don't wish to speak it out loud. That'll be the same for some of the others as well, respect that Princess," I say sternly folding my arms looking at her. 

"O-Okay Lady Y/N," She nods.

I look at Meliodas and smirks, "It's not nice hearing a lie like that is it?" I ask and wink at him.

"That's true darling," Meliodas says.

Hawk's Mama stops suddenly, Hawk and I stay still where Elizabeth almost falls and Meliodas gets in front of her burying his face in her chest catching her, "Whoa! Careful!" 

"You be careful!" Hawk and I yell, I crack my knuckles glaring at my husband who looks at me nervously. 

"We... We suddenly stopped," Elizabeth says.

Clever girl, very clever indeed.

"We're here Meli," I say looking out the window. 

"Where's here?" Elizabeth asks me. 

"Our next point of information," Meli starts and smiles, "Vanya Village!" 

"I missed this place," I comment with a smile.

"You just love it because of their ale!" Hawk declares.

"You make it sound like I'm an alcoholic!" I gasp and pout.

"You almost are one!" He yells.

"True, but I know when to stop, unlike another sin," I giggle.

"Who's that?" Elizabeth asks.

"Ban, Sin of Greed. He never knows when to stop, it's obvious though," I shrug with a smile, "It's in his name really."

The Demons Wife [Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now