Chapter 4 - Leith/Amy

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Leith's POV

She stood there, fear filling her eyes. Right now I want to punch myself...

"Are you okay?" I asked stepping towards her. Kenna leaped back, her fiery red hair blew in the wind.

"I just found out my whole life has been a lie! And you're asking me if I'm okay?" Kenna screamed at me.

"I'm sorry" I said trying to remove the heavy cloud of despair that hung over us.

She shook her head "I just want to go home!"

I sighed "You can't, you are needed here"

"How am I needed here? I'm nobody special just some typical teenager from Earth!" She clenched her fists.

"Your more special than you think" I muttered making sure she didn't hear me. She really didn't need to know the truth right now.

She inched closer to me "Why am I needed on this weird planet full of freaks?" I wanted to shout at her, tell her that we were just people trying to live our lives the way we want to but it got me thinking What if we were just puppets of some unknown master? What if our lives were all planned out? "I'm going home" Kenna said after a second of silence.

"Mckenna..." I said just as a girl jumped out of the tree behind her.

"No, Leith I'm going home" She stated crossing her arms.

"You can't" I told her.

"Just you try and stop me" She spun on her heels and stormed off. Me being me, I just watched her disappear through the trees. I know I should follow her instead my gaze hovered over to the female who was watching with interest, She caught me looking at her. Her blue eyes widened.

I found myself chasing her when she ran. I was drawn to her like a moth to a light and it scared me. Who was she? Why did she look so familiar? She was fast but I was faster. I caught up with her at the edge of the village as she was desperately trying to escape for some reason. I reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Let me go" She pleaded with panic stricken eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked her. She was about 5'6 a lot smaller than me with long strawberry blonde hair which was messy due to all the running.

"None of your business" She tried to escape my grasp but I held firm.

"Tell me who you are and I'll consider letting you go"

She sighed "Let me go first" Did she really think that trick would work on me?


She closed her eyes and appeared to be thinking about something "Fine my name is... Aisling"

I let her go and watched as she walked off.



I lied yet regretted it. I lied to protect him or so I tried to tell myself. I had to tell him my name was Aisling as I could not tell him my real name. I know what you're thinking, it's Amy before you ask. If his village found out he talked to me he would be punished for I am dangerous.

Looking back he stood watching me, his blonde hair dancing in the wind. I wanted more than everything to run back to him and tell him the truth, that we are closer than he could imagine. I can't though It's aginst the rules. If mother found out that I had even gone to see him, I could be kicked out of my village.

"Amy?" A male asked appearing from the bushes.

"Yeah? What do you want Kai?"

His dark hair was crazy and his tanned skin was streaked with mud. "Your mother wants you"

"Sugar" I set off in a run, my mother is rather strict when it come to these things. At other times she was just like any over protective mother,

Kai kept up easily with me. "Something about your father, I think" That peaked my interest

"Why?" I felt myself getting a bit breathless so I slowed down a bit.

Kai shrugged "I think he's coming back"

"No!" I gasped "I thought..."

"He was dead?" Kai supplied "I think we all did until this morning"

"What happened?"

Again he shrugged "All I know is that your mother is in hysterics"

I nodded and pushed myself into a sprint. I need to get back. Only one person can calm my mother down and that's me. We ran into the village. the only surviving modern village with proper red brick houses and central heating. We ran to the nearest house. My house was one of the smallest in the village, only one story but then again it didn't need to be big as only me and my mother lives there.

"Hello?" I called into the empty house. It was the same as I had left it earlier. The same pictures hung on the same beige walls.The same tartan rug lay on the same brown carpet. The only difference was the sobbing that broke through the usual silence. I wandered into my mother's bedroom, She lay on her bed, tears streaming down her face. "What's up?"

She sat up and looked me straight in the eye "Your father... he's coming back... in two days" That's the thing with my mother, she didn't sugar-coat things.

I sat down next to her "How do you know?"

"I got a message earlier" She sobbed.

"Oh" Is that all I could say... my father who hasn't been in my life is suddenly waltzing back in and all I can say is 'Oh'?

She nodded "I know..."

"Look mother... just.. just" I was lost for words. I hardly ever saw my mother this upset.

"I don't know what to do" She admitted. To be honest, I didn't either...

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