Chapter 10 - Leith

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Leith's POV

"Hey! Tyson!" I called out to him from my position at the front of the church.

He turned nodding thoughtfully. After waiting in the forest for two days we moved on. As Tyson pointed out we had a schedule to keep. I think Tyson is scared of me yet he remains dutiful unlike Pavarti... How are they doing? I wonder...

No! Leith! Forget about them, do your duty. Marry Gaia then finish the letter to Kenna's mother. She deserves to know that her daughter is in the hands of the outcasts. "Leith?" Tyson asks as he carefully steps over the blue carpet Gaia was about to walk up "You ready for this?"

"I have no choice. When the ceremony is over. Gaia is going with her mother. Some part of the ritual. I will be in my quarters. I want to be alone. Got that?" He nods just as the first guest arrives.

10000 guest were expected today to bear witness to the pairing of Gaia, daughter of the Silmur tribe's leader and me, Guardian Leith of the Highdent tribe. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. My Guardian costume seems two sizes too tight but I know it isn't. I've been measured about 50 times over the past few days. Tyson returns to his position, as my male assistant he was the one that greets the guests on my behalf.

Slowly the room fills up with a sea of colours. An elder wearing Lavender, a child wearing teal and others wearing a whole spectrum of colours, it makes me seem dull in comparison in my taupe suit. The father of the bride walks in wearing a suit made from an emerald bug. He greets me with a warm handshake "Leith, my man. You must come out for a drink with me this evening" He offers "Unless you want to be with Gaia?"

My cheeks heat up at what he's implying "A drink with you would be great sir"

"Please call me-" A strong gust of wind cuts him off as the doors fly open. The fanfare starts as burgundy pump steps onto the carpet. Nobody moves or makes a sound as Gaia walks up to her father. Even I admit she is pretty. Her chocolate brown eyes show warmth and affection under the veil of serene that she is trying hard to show.

 She greets me warmly, as a show in front of all these people. Even though I know she hates this as much as I do. "Children of the great God Inru. I invited you here today to bear witness of the joining of a daughter of the beautiful Goddess Silmur and a son of the great god Highdent. Bring forward the knife of  holy matrimony" A priest clad in roses cries from his podium. A small boy, Gaia's brother hands his father a large kitchen knife. "The father of the bride will say the rites of the eternal bond"

"May the loving Inru shower your life with joy and may the generous Infer bless you with many children. Oh child of mine and the child of Lei the third may you have nothing but happiness in your new life together for that is the Gods will." Gaia's father gently takes her tanned wrist and slides the knife across the skin. Droplets of blood instantly appear. "Do you Guardian Leith of the Highdent tribe accept to love, protect and provide for Gaia, my beautiful daughter?"  He holds her wrist out for me. I know what I must do... but I can't. I don't love her. I realise I love someone else...

Someone with feiry red hair and large amber eyes. Someone who unexpectedly walked into my life.The same person who watched as Pav admitted her love for me. Someone who probably doesn't feel the same way...  It wasn't suppose to be like this. I was suppose to marry Gaia and live the remainder of Inru's dying life with her and now people are looking at me with great expectation. Gaia doesn't love me. She loves some farmer. Her father glances at me with worry. Destiny or the love of my life? Time to make a decision...


The icy wind hits me the moment I leave the church. Gaia by my side smiling happily. The turns to face me the moment we have left the graveyard. "Thank you so much Leith! You gave me hope"

I shake my head "Hope is my wedding present to you"

"All I can give you is a Good Luck" She smiles sadly at me "My father may hate you forever now but at least I can live the remainder of whatever life Inru has in happiness" She leans over to kiss my cheek and with one final thanks she walks away towards her new life with her true love.

Now to find out where Pav and Kenna went. I think I have an idea but no solid proof. Pav came from a village called Cate's Town about a day's walk from where they stormed off. If I was Pav that's where I would go but there is a closer rebel town which she could have also gone to. The town of Inva is the largest Rebel town known to the tribes. Pav however would never go there not when that's where her father lives. 

"Yo!" Tyson said appearing behind me "What was that back there? Cold feet? Hey where you going?!" I ignore him as he chases after me. I don't need him telling me I made the wrong choice. I climb up onto the nearest carriage a sleek wooden one makes with flame emblems ingrained on the smooth surface. The carriage of a rich family from the Merai Tribe. Yet there was something else about it. The joining, where the wooden panels connect with the other panels, are covered in tiny thorns. A sign of the family who owns this Carriage. Wasn't Kenna's mother's surname Thorne? Was Kenna's mother at the wedding? She can't be... can she?

I'm tempted to push Tyson off when he clambers up next to me but I don't. Instead I sigh and drive off "So where we going in the Thorne's carriage?" he asks "Something to do with why you jilted your soon-to-be bride?

"We're taking a trip to Cate's Town. I need to talk to someone there" I tell him not wanting to give too much information away.

"Let me guess... that red head. What ever her name was" Damn him and his shocking ability to know what I was thinking.

"Kenna" I correct him. The moment it slips out of my mouth I know it was a mistake.

A smug smirk appears on his face "So I was right?"

"None of your business" I growl, just hoping he would shut up but no he doesn't take the hint.

"What about blondie? You know, the rebel? She's rather pretty and more your type"

"You can have her" The look on his face is a mixture of joy and hatred.

"Just shut up" His tone is one of warning. I laugh knowing I''ve hit a sore point.

"So you've gone from hating her because of her parents to liking her? That's so awesome!" I enthuse "Go for it!"

"I said shut up!" He killed the atmosphere with that one. We rode on in silence with only the occasional horse snort. "Look..." he says lamely after half an hour of silence "Um... It's cool if you like that Kenna girl but remember you can never be with her... She's got a destiny and you're not part of it"

"What if I want to be part of it?" I mutter to myself. He shoots me a questioning stare but I don't elaborate. The silence around us becomes awkward quickly. Bet he regrets coming with me. I'm tempted to ask him but I keep my mouth firmly shut. This is going to be one long and silent journey...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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