Chapter 11

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y/n pov

The rest of the team's fights were uneventful, nothing really wowed me, but there were some good quirks! I couldn't get over Yaoyorozu's quirk! It's incredible! I stood next to Todoroki to watch the rest of the fights, and I'm not sure why it just seemed comfortable.

Once the last teams finished we all left the observation room and gathered around while All Might lectured us. "Good job everyone! We made it through today without any major injuries, except for Midoriya."

I hear a couple of people giggle and tense up. It pissed me off, Midoriya is strong, he's just learning. All Might continues, "You all did a good job on your first training exercise! Well then, I must check on young Midoriya!"

And with that, All Might was gone and we were all standing there. The others didn't get it but I could tell that he was weak and couldn't hold his strong form anymore. We all walk to the exit back to class. Everyone was to busy talking to notice Todoroki and I fall behind. 

"That was impressive, " I say to fill the silence, "What you did with the ice today I mean. I didn't realize you were so powerful, no wonder you got in under recommendation." I glance up at him and he looks over at me. "It was nothing really. Just doing what needs to be done."

"Ah how humble." I laugh as we keep walking. "We might be an unstoppable team you know!" I laugh again but could feel him rolling his eyes.

Todoroki pov

I roll my eyes as y/n suggest that we'd be a good team. I've never been known for good teamwork, and never will. We go back to slowly walking in silence until I couldn't hold back anymore. "Why are you so chummy with All Might. It's weird." 

I could feel her tense up, she's hiding something, but what is it? "I'm not sure what you are talking about." She says, obviously lying. "Don't play dumb," I say while stopping and looking at him, "You are always talking with him, first at the quirk apprehension test and then today. And oddly both times was while Midoriya was using his quirk."

She stops when she realizes I'm not following her and turns to look at me. "Why do you even care? So what I'm talking to my teacher, is it a crime or something." She looked pissed, was this such a touchy topic for her? "I'm sorry. I'm just curious. I didn't mean to overstep."

A small smile appears on her face as she walks over to me again. "It's okay, but I didn't know you were such a softy." She says while nudging me and then continues to walk. "Woow aren't you so clever," I say back with slight sarcasm. She glances back and smiled, "I know right!" She turns and keeps walking and I jog up to catch up with her.

"Hey, Todoroki?" She says while I glance over to her, "why are you blushing?" She asks with a smirk on her face. "I'm not, my face just gets red when I'm hot."

"Liar!" She shouts while laughing, "if you get hot you can easily cool yourself down easily, plus if what you said is true, you should be used to heat if your quirk also consists of fire." damn she's good, I don't know what to say, because, to be honest, I'm not sure why I was blushing either.

"Crap we're really far behind!" I look ahead and see the class is by the exit looking at us, they must be waiting. "I'll race you!" I look over at her and smirk, "Bring it on shorty."

"Says you! and hey, don't be afraid to use your quirk!" y/n says before taking off. Fine if you want to play it this way I will. I place my hands on the ground and cover anything in ice just like I did in the building, but as soon as the ice reached her it all shattered and she kept running.

"You're gonna have to do better than that!" She laughs as she keeps running, and I guess running was my only option too. I melt what's left of the ice and chase after her. I was about to grab her when I fall into a hole. 

I use my ice to get out and run up and grab y/n. "I won't let you win that easily!" I push her to the ground but she pulls me down with her. For some weird reason, we both lay there breathing heavy and laugh, until we realize that we were right in front of the rest of the class.

We both shoot up and y/n fixes the hole she created and we walk through the group pretending that nothing happened. I take one last glance at y/n and she was still trying to hold back her smile.


Wait, what?

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