Chapter 1: Reawakening

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A/N: I had not written any Pokémon fic for a while, and the ones I already had tried are still stuck. I don't know what to do with them. I had been revolving around other things until now...

So, this isn't based off of any PMD game. Just to clarify. So, feel free to see more of it. This is its own story.

I am hoping for a few reviews before I update again, not because I am desperate. I just want to know where I am going with this. If you are reading this off of Wattpad, feel free to make inline comments. I don't mind if you make a lot.

I tend to do that when I read.

**Note: This story was deleted and re-uploaded. The original version was moving too slow and bland, so this is an upgrade. The first four chapters are similar with movement, however.

If you've read before, some paragraphs will be the same or some will differ.

Hope you enjoy!


DISCLAIMER: (Geez. I know. You hate this. I hate it, too.) I DO NOW OWN Pokémon! Nintendo, GameFreak, Creatures inc. and The Pokémon Company has it, alright? Chunsoft owns Mystery Dungeon. Yeah.


- Prologue -

A gentle and crisp breeze sends temporary relief from the humidity that layers over the summer night. A few clouds hang on the starry sky, and the moon is at its peak, marking it midnight.

The only thing keeping the night without silence is the hooting and cries of nocturnal Pokémon. Delicate and soothing music usually would sound at a night like this. But...

The place has an unusually strange and mystical feel to it... and an overwhelming feeling of discomfort.

Suddenly, the silence takes over. Not a peep is heard. The atmosphere has changed even more.

The grass is pressed into the ground as a shadow walks carefully through the field. They stop moving, looking around carefully.

"I knoooow you are here. Aren't you tired already, little one? Why not take a breather, as any good child should?" The voice is unfriendly, and full of malice. Any witnessing Pokémon do not dare to come out.

The figure tosses a small object above their head.

"I summon the power of The Blowback Orb!"

A strong force is blown, and a small figure is forced out of hiding. It moves back in an instant before flying away.

"There you are."

A swarm of Volbeat rush from the tall-growing grass in a hurry as the small shadow soars through. Within seconds, Hoothoot flee from the trees nearby. Heavy and hurried steps follow the same path.

The small figure zips through the dark forest. Its pattern is rushed and panicked. It narrowly missed a tree while making a sharp turn. The larger figure follows the same path just behind it.

Tiny pants only increase. The small figure keeps changing direction, but the larger one somehow stays on its tail. Making a turn around a large boulder, it shrieks as a blue bolt stokes the surface, illuminating the dark forest just for a second.

It zooms around several trees. More bolts are sent after it. The small figure pushes itself to move faster, as if it is near where it needs to be.

"Don't think you can get away so easily! I have you now!" The larger figure shouts. They stop running the second the small figure freezes. There's hardly enough light to see what exactly is going on. Pokémon watching in hiding try to make it out. But from the sound of things... it's not a pretty scenario.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Retaliation CorporationWhere stories live. Discover now