Chapter 8: Rethink

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- Chapter 8: Rethink -

Blue light gathers to a single spot, shooting off to reveal a wounded Bisharp being carried by a worn-out Dragonite. Their arrival startles many Pokémon. They all gasp or chatter with nervous energy. Legend lowers the Bisharp to the ground carefully as more attention is drawn to them.

"What happened?!" One voice cries out. "What happened?!"

Legend can't answer, no matter how many times they ask him. He simply keeps an eye on Knight, hoping he isn't hurt too bad.

- 1 Hour Ago -

Knight never imagined this would happen.

Sure. He knew his opponent was strong. They had fought many times before, but… he never imagined he was this powerful. He said the wrong thing, clearly. It angered him.

Now he lies on the ground in pain.

"My, my, my… aren't you awfully stubborn? Such irrational decisions you make is just… heh… absurd. I find your efforts to perform your ways... very incompetent."

It's all a blur. Everything is a blur. All he can see is the blurred figure of the monster who had easily trampled him in mere seconds. The blue glow of the eyes is enough to know… trying again is near impossible.

"You lie helpless. I could finish you here… but I am not you." The glowing eyes narrow.

"Who… what are you…?" He is in so much pain. "You're not normal… not at all! A freak of nature!"

"You had the nerve to bring harm to the children. And so, you wish to summon a horrid side of me…" The blurred figure turns halfway with the scepter in hand, tapping one half against the other paw. "... I'll warn you. It's... ugly."

The down Bisharp can hardly see what's going on. He is close to passing out. He can only speak of what his mind is trying to comprehend. "A Slowking shouldn't even know what anger is!"

"Perhaps that is true. I do my very best to hide it, because it will frighten the children." The blurred Slowking faces him again.

"You're not normal!"

"You're right. I'm not." The Slowking points his scepter towards the Bisharp. "Why do you think I was crowned king?"

Suddenly, a stream of blue fire slams and engulfs the Slowking, throwing him off. Second pass, and an orange figure lands in front of the Bisharp, blocking his perspective.

For once, Knight is glad the clumsy dragon-type arrived.

His vision slowly returns as he is pulled to his feet. The Dragonite suddenly pulls him into a tight hug. His pain blisters all over his body.

"Ack! Idiot! Stop! That hurts! Let go of me, you fool!"

Legend releases him quickly, looking at him sadly. He reaches a paw towards him.

"This is not the time for that! Go after the Gogoat before she goes too far!" Bisharp points to the direction the Gogoat is.

Legend places a paw near his mouth, tilting his head in a curious fashion. His wings began to flap, and his feet leave the ground. He stares at the Bisharp strangely before turning around and flying to the skies.

Slowking stands, and his eyes shine brighter. He raises his scepter at the same time the Dragonite's body is outlined by a blue light. Next, he swings it down.

Legend screeches as he is thrown right through the ground.

Bisharp can only stare at the hole before he looks at the Slowking again. "So you can still fight even after all of this?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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