Chapter 3: Reality

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"I know it doesn't seem much, but it's more than What you think." The psychic-type doesn't bother to turn around. "The waterfall is one of the few gateways into entering it. Once the right steps are taken, what's ahead of us will open up."

"Gateways?" Krista is curious about what they are about to witness. If the waterfall is one, what is another?

"Like… a secret path?" Pineno asks. Seeing the Slowking not his head, he gasps. "That's cool! How do you know of it?!"

"This waterfall itself is The Central Retaliation Corps." Slowking answers, earning wide eyes. "And I am it's Headmaster."

- Chapter 3: Reality -

Pineno's jaw drops at this point, and Krista can't blame him. She is just about as shocked.

This Slowking was the Headmaster the entire time?! Pineno made him sound like some mean old teacher, but so far, he's been so kind and wise! Who knew?!

"Wait…" Pineno points at him. "Y-you are THE Headmaster of this region?! Why didn't you tell us sooner?!"

"If I did, I would have not seen your true actions. Many tend to act differently when they are aware of who they are up against. So, because of that, I said nothing. I've made my judgement. And now, I am allowing you inside."

Incredible. It's the only way to describe it. Maybe it's why he looks different from other Slowking. That alone should be obvious, but not many would think of it. Or maybe is she not using her head?

"The Retaliation Corps is an organization formed to take ground against the enemy. You could say it's like a school that teaches how to fight against corrupted monsters. They are very dangerous compared to regulars, you see. But to put it simpler, we retaliate against the dark forces" Slowking explains. He leads the pair closer to the rocky walls. "Due to The Sorcerer's henchmen growing in number as the power of the enemy is… the organization was formed. Therefore, Retaliation teams came to be. You can easily identify one by their badges."

Krista sees his one claw tapping a circular badge that is worn against the front of his frill. Why are wings part of the design? She would look closer, but he moves forward.

Do other team types wear badges as well?

Krista stops as soon as her feet touch a smooth surface. Looking down, she sees that she is standing on top of a round flat surface stone that seems to have been built on the ground. It is huge… probably 5 yards all around.

"Yes. Stay there." Slowking stands in front of her.

Pineno jumps on. He glances at Krista, asking a possible question if she has an idea on what is going on. Krista shrugs to answer.

They watch the psychic-type as he reached for his badge. He taps it lightly, and the black orb inside glows into a brilliant indigo color. Suddenly, a small hole above the huge boulder, glows as a response.

Krista looks at Pineno, completely lost. The only answer she earns from him is another shrug. He is just as lost.

A light shines the small hole. It shines across the 3 like a scan, and it disappears as quickly as it came. Almost immediately, the badge stops glowing.

Krista steps back. That was scary.

Th-th-tHeeeE Two BEhInd YoU.

Krista jumps at the sudden sound of a loud and distorted voice inside her head. It was like a broken record. The strange voice vibrated powerfully. The range of pitch in the voice would go from being low to high like a wave. It is creepy. Pineno appears just as startled. The Slowking, on the other hand, is very content.

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