Chapter 6: Repercussions

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- Chapter 6: Repercussions -

Slowly standing, Pineno doesn't turn to Krista until the Mightyena is out of sight. He tries to smile, but the awkwardness doesn't make it happen. He allows his arms to drop in defeat while he drags his feet into the room. Once he stands near the center, he drops to sit, and he crosses his arms. "I guess that's that."

Krista isn't sure on what to say. But at least they had that mystery solved.

"Forget the name business. I just want to go out there. It's no fair." He says. "Even my father never allowed me to go into dungeons alone. I'm strong enough to handle them."

"Maybe you think you are." Krista warns him. "But what if it's more than what you expected?"

"All the more reason to go into one." Pineno whips out a rolled up paper, waving it in the air.

Krista is alarmed. "What is that?!"

"I'll show you later." Pineno promises. He tucks it underneath her bed.

Now Krista thinks there's more of a reason he has it. A part of her thinks that whatever he has isn't even supposed to be in this room. "Where did you get that?"

Pineno gives her a grin. "Silly. I told you that I'll show you later. Let's finish up this book stuff first. Just wait a little longer. It's a good surprise."

(It better not be a crazy one.) Krista hopes to herself.

- 0000 -

Later that day, the children meet up with Slowking as requested. As expected, the first thing he asks about is their progress.

Pineno holds up the book with a grin. They had finished recently.

"Ah. I see." Slowking takes the books and opens it, allowing the pages to flip until the backside closes. "Good. I'll have Dusk move on deeper with today's lesson and-"

"So, we're going in a dungeon?"

And of course, Pineno just has to ask. Krista knows they will be denied. She can't understand why he keeps trying when they will just keep getting the same answer.

"Pardon me?" Slowking looks at Pineno funny. "Did I hear you right? Dungeon? Oh, no. It's too soon for you to even leave this building on your own."

Pineno frowns. "But-"

"You are not ready yet. Report to Dusk for your training first."

"I… I don't understand." Pineno seems very upset. It makes sense. He was ready to head out as soon as he got done. "Other team types can go in dungeons alone not long after they are recruited."

"And, your point?"

"Um… well…"

"If you want to explore that badly, then you should had formed an Exploration Team instead." Slowking frowns, somewhat annoyed. "I explained this before. This requires more training. You cannot go on any dungeon yet, especially not on your own. One lesson is not enough. You report to Dusk for now, and get back to me when your lesson is over."

Pineno sighs. "Alright…"

"Good." Slowking smiles. "But I did bring something for you."


He summons his scepter. Tapping it on the floor, a bag suddenly appears from thin air. Pineno is forced to catch it. "This is your supply bag. Also known as The Traveler Bag. As you get promoted, you will be given bigger sizes. It will carry items needed for dungeons. From the books you've read, I assume you know their usefulness."

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