Chapter 7: Redirect

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- Chapter 7: Redirect -

"Oh, no... oh, no. Where is it? Where is it?!"

More dirt is flug into the air, falling on the rocky floor. A slab of of large stone had been dug out and pushed aside, exposing the dirt underneath. A hidden stash.

A black tail sticks out from the dug hole. Within seconds, it disappears underneath as Dusk crawls halfway out, appearing nervous.

"Who could had took my Wonder Map?! It was right here! Could Dialga pick a better time to toy with me?! If it falls on the wrong hands…!"

He shakes his head.

"No, Dusk. You'll find it! Stop pouncing yourself and just focus! It's not like one of the kids just took it from under my nose, right?!"

- Mt. Ember -

As soon as Krista's feet hit the rocky ground, she winches in pain. But ignoring it is the best option. She will have to do more of this in the future, so there is no better option than to endure this. Though, it's difficult to try. Hanging from her shoulder is the supply bag they were given. She would rather have Pineno carry it since it's already difficult to with a patched-up paw. However, he's hardly paying attention. Krista would glance back every now and then to be sure Pineno is keeping up.

His eyes are fixed on that map.

The map changes its layout the moment they stepped foot in the cursed zone. All the detailed paintings of landscapes is distorted and warped until it turns into a black canvas. Within seconds, a single and long rectangle takes its position. The brown paws holding it nearly drops it alarm.

"Whoa! It changed!" Pineno gasps. "Krista! Check it out! It changed!"

As much as Krista dislikes the fact Pineno took someone's map without permission, hearing his announcement catches her interest. She turns to look back, and he happily shows her the changes.

Just a single rectangle? That's odd… it's located at the very top right corner…

And… it's changing? No. Extending. A path branches out from it slowly as they walk down a narrow path…

Oh. That's interesting. It's mapping out what they've already seen. Maybe it is to keep them from walking in circles...

"So cool. Maybe it acts different when we are inside a mystery dungeon." Pineno looks ahead. "I couldn't live here for sure. It's so hot in here." He is already bothered by the heat. "But, this is our test. I'm positive we'll go through."

Krista already knows why. "The Pokémon that live here are mostly fire-type, huh? Maybe a few rock types would be here as well…"

It sinks in now.

Fire and rock.

This is going to be difficult.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? You do realize that a normal-type Pokémon like myself won't do much against rock? Your grass attacks may deal with them… but dealing with fire on the other hand…" Her voice trails off. Up ahead, she can see the first inhabitant.

A red robin-like Pokémon is eyeing them carefully. It's kind are known to be Fletchling.

"A flying-type." Pineno frowns. "I read books about different types. Flying is my weakness… but since we are in the mountains, I sorta had the feeling we would run into a bird Pokémon or something…"

Perhaps the bag has something useful. From the books, they already know the basics.

Apples behave differently in dungeons. They fill the stomach like a full meal. And one can easily become famished much faster in the cursed zone.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Retaliation CorporationWhere stories live. Discover now