Chapter twenty one: Helping the rival.

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Classic's POV:

A portal opened behind Ink to reveal Error, Nightmare, and a purple-haired human. The human opened up another portal and out came Core.

"Everyone! We need to leave, now! Go through the portal!" The human demanded, largening the portal.

"Why should we even listen to you? You came with the two worse sanses in the multiverse! I mean, who even are you?!" Lust hissed.

"Lust you have no place to talk about them being bad when you are misjudged to! But if you must know I am Lunar, Creator of all monsters on the neutral side. But that's not even important right now." Lunar informed.

"Lunar? What's going on? Why is the universe destroying themselves?" Ink questioned.

"The multiverse is collapsing." Nightmare raised his voice.

"He's right. We have to go to the Omega Timeline so we can sort all of you into Nightmare's mansion, the Omega Timeline, Lunar's AU's meetup, and the Chara equal's support system." Core announced.

"We'll all be safe at the locations mentioned since they are on the edge of the multiverse." Error explained.

"I don't know about you all, but if Frisk is helping them, I'm trusting them," I said, heading to the portal.

I glanced back to see everyone following me. We arrived to see Dream, Blue, an unknown female skeleton and an unknown male skeleton stationed at four portals, sorting everyone into them. I also saw a demon giving out supplies while another unknown sans is healing a Papyrus along with some toriels.

The demon looked up as the portal closed, said something to the group, then fly over here.

"Lunar is everyone alright?! Has Dust, Horror, Cross, and Killer returned?!" She asked Lunar.

"Chi calm down. Panicking won't help. Nobody has any wounds from what I can tell. They haven't returned yet but we have those necklaces to communicate with each other." Lunar replied, holding Chi's hands. So that's how Blue knew how to get them back.

"Speaking of my gang." Nightmare interrupted. "They sent a mind link. Seems like they found some of Ink's lackeys. I told them to come here with any found AU's and to bring them." He calls us Ink's lackeys?

"Hey! They aren't my lackeys!" Ink huffed. Only Nightmare, Lunar, Chi, Ink, and I were left in the group. Lunar nodded to Chi and Chi flew off.

"Puh-lease. At least Lunar gives her creations free will. She doesn't discriminate if they chose another side or if they aren't there for their AU's Reset." Error huffed.

"And her she taught her creations to get both sides of the story," Core added. Wow, all of this from one human? "No wonder she has interference in multiple multiverses."

"Guys now's not the time to fight. The multiverse is collapsing, remember?" Lunar hissed, whacking their heads.

"Right. I'll go help everyone at the Chara's support system. I don't think those kids will trust

"I'll go tell Ase to help everyone settle down in your universe and then help myself with everyone here," Core added, walking off the other unknown skeleton.

"I'll go to help everyone in my mansion." Nightmare informed.

"I'll come too! Come on you guys, you'd be sorted there anyways." Lunar replied, dragging me and Ink into a portal.

"Lunar, good luck." the unknown skeleton sighed as we passed.

"You to Era! And please let Daze know where I am when she's done!" Lunar responded.

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