Chapter twenty-four: Explained

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Core's POV:

I watched as the Original Council, the Netrual side, and the 'Dark' sanses filled up a large table. Error was at one end with Nightmare and Blue sitting next to him. Ink was on the other end with both Classic and Stretch seated next to him. Lunar and I sat across from each other in the middle of both sides since we are seen as netrual despite us never choosing aside.

"So. Does anyone know why the multiverse is collapsing." Ink asked, leaning forwards. The 'Dark' sanses, the Netrual side, Lunar, and I all raised our hands.

"We do. It is what those dorks said that Classic, Reaper, and you should know." Lunar replied, pointing to the 'Dark' sanses.

"So mind informing the rest of the class?" Classic joked.

"It's simple really. The balance was demolished." Nightmare stated like it was nothing.

"No! I made sure the balance between Life and Death stayed stable." Reaper hissed.

"Who said there was not more than one balance you blind judge and bad excuse of a yin!" Cross growled, standing up and slamming his hands on the table.

"...What? Wait... Blind?" Reaper questioned.

"Yes, you are blind! The entire 'Light' side is! Blue knew from when Error accidentally kidnapped him! Why do you think we accepted him right away when he was abandoned! We have been his family for eons!" Killer raged.

"Both of you, calm down! Now is not the time for a fight to break out." I demanded.

"Right..." Cross muttered, sitting down.

"Sorry for yelling, but not for what I said," Killer grumbled.

"Hhh I'll take it," I responded.

"What do you mean that there's more than one balance?" Reaper asked.

"There are four in total. You know the one you are in." Blue started.

"I and my brother are in another. The one between Hope and Fear. He did not know before we explained it to him. If there's to much Hope, nobody will wish for more. If there's not enough, then they won't wish for anymore." Nightmare explained.

"I am a perfect example of what happens when your hopes and dreams are not answered. I replaced them with maybe's. That is... until I met Blue. That way of living only left more once I met Nighty and the gang." Error added.

"Then there's the one between good and evil. The Chara's and Frisk's take care of that one. The more the other balance's are unstable, the more Genocide routes they must do. Error helped them set up an easier way to do so. But let this be known, the Chara equals do NOT do the Genocide routes. It has been the Frisk's all this time. After all, Chara only takes over after your guy's fights. Chara never woke up until at the end of the first Genocide route. Error saw this and helped them. That's why he is their dunckle, like you guy's, are your Frisk's dunckle." Lunar continued.

"And finally, the balance that caused the multiverse to be collapsing. The one between Creation and Destruction." Dream started.

"There's a balance between Creation and Destruction?" Ink asked confused.

"Yes. You see, there is a limit to how much Creation there can be. Once that limit is filled all the way, like it is now, well we all know whats going on." Dust started.

"Right. When Fate created this multiverse, she told you that there was a limit but she was too quiet to be heard. So when it started filling up, she changed Error to be who he was. Honestly, he was just meant to be a temporary fix. He was meant to tell you of the balance, Fate's strings being removed, and then he would change back and return to his AU. But since that never happened like it was fated, His coding stayed permanent and he became Destiny's chosen child. In fact, Fate just learned recently that the strings were never removed and she was extremely upset that she caused this. She never noticed since she was busy with other multiverses. Speaking of which, Error we need you to talk to her later." I finished. Everyone just blinked.

"So that's what was going on with you, Lady Fate, and Lady Destiny while I was talking to Lady Time and Sir Karma," Lunar commented.

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