Chapter ten: Be Prepared

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Dream's POV:

We all hung out at the mansion until it was time for bed. Blue lead me to a room next to his and said Error should be making my clothes soon. I'm surprised at how much of a family they are acting. Did they act like this the entire time?

In the morning I woke up to a loud crash downstairs. I went down to see Cross chasing Killer with Error just in the middle, knitting clothes. He looks up and see's me.

"Sup Dream. Horror's making breakfast." Error hummed as I sat down next to him.

"Okay...? Um is this normal?" I asked, gesturing to the fighting teammates.

"Yup. Happens whenever someone takes Cross's chocolate." Error smirked.

"Killer you name will be a pun to me if you don't give it back!" Cross hissed.

"That dosen't make sense!" Killer yelled.

"He means he's gonna kill you, Kills." Error called out.

"Thanks mom!" Killer shouted.

"Hello you beautiful beings!" A purple haired human exclaimed, coming through a portal, and accidentally tripping Killer.

"Thanks Lunar!" Cross chirped, grabbing the chocolate and sitting with us.

"Heh, sorry Killer!" The girl I presume to be Lunar, chuckled nervously, and helping Killer up.

"So what's going on Lunar?" My brother asked as he came into the living room.

"Well Ink visited me yesterday. I didn't tell him anything you guys asked to remain private. Oh, also my house got expanded. Between both this place and there, we can fit the entire originals in the multiverse." Lunar explained. Why do I feel like that's a hint.

"So that means between both here, your house, the support system, and the Omega Timeline we can fit the entire multiverse?" Error teased.

"Mhm! Glad these places are on the outskirts of the multiverse, since they're all mansions." She chuckled, flopping into a bean bag. "So what you dorks been up to? Well besides extending your family."

"Eh we've been doing the norm. Well besides Error being attacked and joining us in the group that almost jumped into the void." Nightmare hummed.

"Sorry..." Error said guiltily, looking down.

"Hey it's fine! Trust me. I've seen multiverses where you actually did it." Lunar reassured. There!s places where it happened?

"Really? I.. could of not snapped out of it? I could of left these guys?" Error asked in awe.

"Mhm. But it wasn't all bad. You adopted two sons, got use to healing, and you were no longer in Fate's strings. Even if those versions of Fate were more cruel." She explained. "I left before I saw more since that's when Era came into our life's."

"...I can't imagine bad things also didn't happen." Cross replied.

"Hmmm true. There's always bad things that will happen. That's Life." Lunar hummed.

"...What bad things happened?" Nightmare questioned.

"Well... at the point of time that version of Error, or also known as Erratum, had several panic attacks, his limbs fell off a few times which he called normal, and the multiverse he came from was already falling apart." She looked down sadly. "But in the end, he was healing. And I promise you all get a happy ending."

"How?" Cross integrates.

"Heh, just because I'm the creator of those on the Netrual side, dosen't mean I'm completely blind to what will happen. Even though it's rare to see a forced destroyer multiverse that dosen't end up in the void, Core and I are working on the best path for everyone. Even if it may seem like it's not."

"Hhh I guess we gotta trust you, huh? After all, you stock us with supplies, been here for us, all while traveling multiverses and taking care of your creations in two others. Even if you let them have more free will." Horror sighed as he entered the room, setting down food.

"I won't force you to trust me Horror. You know that's not how I work. It's your choice to trust me or not, but I said the truth." She hummed, fidgeting with her phone.

"You have anxiety?" I asked. She looked up, then at her phone.

"Oh! Yeah but I can kinda tell what's my habits are? I believe this is my OCD sense my echo thing stopped years ago. Have no idea if I have ADHD but it's most likely." She answers, twisting her phone.

"Your really outgoing for someone with that many disorders." Nightmare commented.

"Oh not really. Just in the multiverses. Beyond the fourth wall I am as shy as over-creative Ink is. If that makes sense." Lunar giggled. "But here I know I won't be judged. After all, we all are crazy. Even if it's just a little bit."

"Huh. That's kinda poetic." Error muttered. "Wait, do you get panic attacks?"

"No, I don't. While I'm both happy and sad about that. I'm sad about it because then I won't know what to do when someone else has one." She looked down sadly. Then suddenly clapped her hands. "But I'm lucky that I have this life! It can always be worse." She looked on her phone when it went off.

"What's up?" Killer asked when she started typing.

"Eh, Core needs me. I stocked up your guys fridge more since I'll be busy with Core. And Dream I added some stuff you liked or might like! Cya guys!" She hopped up from the bean bag and left through a portal.

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