Chapter twenty-eight: Shipping council.

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Lust's POV:

I sat around a table that contained Error, Blue, Horror, Dust, Killer, and Dream on one end. On the other end is Maple, Dance, Geno, Abyss, Classic, and I.

"Alright. First things first, are we merging our shipping councils?" I asked.

"If it's fine with you." Error replied.

"Alright then. We are all now one shipping council. Next is to vote for a leader." Classic said.

The previously 'Dark' shipping council all pointed at Error, minus the monster. Error pointed at Blue. The previously 'Light' shipping council all pointed at me, besides me and Maple. We pointed at Error.

"Lust? Why vote Error, no offense Error." Abyss questioned.

"None taken." Error replied.

"I voted Error because he got Blue's and Dust's shipping time right when I didn't. Why did you vote Blue, Error?" I explained.

"Because Blue has a giant mallet that he can use to make sure nobody interferes with ships." Error stated calmly. I look over to Blue and see him polishing a large mallet.

"...Okay then." Dance stated.

"Well to me timing is what matters in a ship so I change my vote to Error," Geno added.

"Alright then, Error is our leader," I announced.

"Aka for half of us, not much changed." Horror added.

"Now to state our ships. I'll be honest, it's up to you guys. DustBerry was our ship for like, 10 weeks." Maple admitted.

"Heh, we've been shipping them since Blue was an unofficial member," Dust replied.

"So one ship that's recently started is what I like to call... KilledDeaths. Also known as Killer x Death." Dream practically purred with excitement.

"Oh yeah? Don't think I didn't notice you feeding Cross strawberried at dinner yesterday. So tell me Dream, when is Creme going to sail?" Killer resorted, making both Dream and Cross blushed.

"And who said we aren't already dating?" Cross muttered.

"Well, Death claimed me so yeah." Killer shrugged. "Besides he's my type."

"Okay then. We only have one ship left then." I stated. Everyone nodded but Error.

"What ship?" Error asked.

"ErrorMare." Everyone but Error said in unison, making Error crash.

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