Chapter fifteen : Questions

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Nightmare's POV:

I carried Ruru down the hall with my family behind me. Well besides Blue. Glad I and Error hid our necklace's under our clothes/goop so they didn't see them and take them off. The necklaces aren't normal. They allow us to create mind links. I started one with Error.

'Ruru? Do you still have that orb?' I asked him as I looked down to see him acting grumpy.

'Yup. Pocket closest to you. Might want to take it when you drop me. Or "accidentally" trip and make me fall, shattering the orb.' He replies.

'I'll try the second one and if it fails I'll shatter it manually when I help you up. Also, why are you so grumpy?' I questioned.

'It's an act. If they know I rant when I'm truly grumpy then they'll use that against us.' He answered.

'Smart.' I commented.

'Of course, it is. It's not my first time being kidnapped. And I have a feeling it won't be the last.' He responded.

"We're here." Ink stated, making us look at him. We walked in a door where I 'accidentally' tripped on Dust's foot. I listened for a shattering sound.
Today seemed to be my lucky day since I heard a faint one. I saw Error have a small smirk on his face. He gave a slight nod then returned to the grumpy act.

"Nightmare, your dead to me." He joked with a quick wink.

"Cool," I replied, making him fake groan. I gotta say, he's good at faking at being grumpy.

Classic and Ink dragged us to chairs and tied us up when Stretch opened the door.

"Stretch." Error grumbled.

"Glitch," Stretch replied. "How's the traitor?"

"Heh. The only traitor I see is you." Error smirked.

"Blue aside, we have questions for you all." Ink states with Stretch and Classic behind him.

"You do know we aren't telling you anything," I growled. "If anything, Error is the most likely to say stuff but even then Blue would need to be here for that."

"Yeah! You tell those blind judges Dad!" Cross cheered. We all tried just staring at him seriously. Hint, Tried. Error and Dust were snickering.

"Anyways... First question. What's up with Error being called Mom and Nightmare being called Dad?" Stretch asked.

"We're family." We all recited in unison.

"And that's all your most likely to get out of us," I added.

"Okay... Error what is this thing I should know?" Ink turned to Error who was still acting grumpy.

"Not all family members are present. Though I will let you a bit. If you can have these guys, Blue, and a few Chara equals here unharmed I'll tell you." Error replied.

"Why just a few Mom?" Killer questioned.

"Because I want to tell him, I just want you guys to be safe even more," Ruru answered.

"I'll take it." Ink states.

"What did you guys mean by Error not sleeping for more than an hour for eons?" Classic interrogated.

"Guys... What does he mean?" Error asked deadly cold.

"We...May or may not of... told them to not wake you up... so you could sleep... and that information... may or may not...of...slipper?" Horror explained slowly.
Error stated at him, then flung his slippers at Horror and me.

"Ow!" We both exclaimed as the slippers hit.

"Before you ask why, Nighty your the only one here that does that since Blue's not here. And Horror you hesitated too much to be innocent." Error stated. I sent a glare at the laughing Ink, Classic, And Stretch.

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