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davids assistant
its happening AGAIN
but worse this time
he followed ME!!

alinahs assistant
who? who followed you?

davids assistant
tom fricking holland.
i can't.
i'm gonna quit my job right now
and move to london.

alinahs assistant
wtf is wrong with you.
you're actually crazy, lina

davids assistant
okay okay. i know.
i'm not actually gonna quit
but i'm happy. the happiest i've been in a LONG time.
this is what pure bliss feels like.

alinahs assistant
now that he follows u.
are you going to confess your u dying love for him and his dog.

davids assistant
baby steps cass.
that comes later.

alinahs assistant
i'm just gonna day it again
you're weird

" Lina! why are you screaming? I'm trying to film with Jonah " david complained, walking into Alinahs room to figure out why she was yelling, holding his camera in his hand, of course.

" he followed me! he fricking followed me, Dave " she smiled, engulfing David in a hug. He backed out of the hug after a minute, pointing his camera at her.

" Who? I can't keep up with you these days, Lina " David questioned, his eyebrows furrowed together.

" Um- who do you think? Thomas Holland! Spider-man! " Alinah exclaimed, a huge smile spread across her face.

David moved the camera to his own face, where he made facial expression, signifying how creeped out her was by Alinah's obsession.

" Girls and their crushes " he laughed, moving the camera back to his friend.
" did he seriously follow you? cause it would be awesome if he would be in the vlog " david giggled, once again.

" Yes, seriously. " she rolled her eyes, playfully hitting his arm, and falling back onto her bed.
" you know how you feel about Natalie Portman? That's how I feel about Tom Holland! " Alinah said, looking up to David.

" You want to impregnate Tom Holland? "

" Ew! Dave, get out! "

SMILE.   ( TOM HOLLAND )Where stories live. Discover now