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      "Okay, spill some juicy details" Alinah gushed, it had finally been the first time they've facetimed for two weeks. Tom was still shooting cherry and Alinah had been actually working, trying to train the new assistant David and brought in. "Actually, Just tell's Harry?"

    "You'd rather know about my little brother than me? I'm sure he'd be glad to hear that" Tom grinned as he rolled his eyes at her.
     "He's somewhere in the flat, he's been trying to watch a few a Davids videos to watch your parts"  Alinah broke out into a blush from Toms statement, the last thing she wanted Tom or his family to do would be watching Davids videos, especially Harry , who would do nothing but make fun of her.

      "No, no , no. Tell me you're joking" She whined, pitting her face in her hands to hide the embarrassment that was so clearly present.

      "I'm sorry, but you've been making fun of me for all the memes fans have turned me into, it's my turn to tease you" Tom laughed , watching has Alinah began to also let out a small laugh.

"You can't blame me for finding it funny that people think you have a frog in your mouth!" Lina fought back, letting more chuckles come from her lips.

Tom admired her, the way they only had to talk for a minute until they ended up laughing with each other , or even sometimes at each other. From an outside view , just looking at how they react with each other you'd think they've known each other for years, Tom wished that could be the case. He could only dream that he would've met Alinah earlier in their lives.
And as for Alinah, she never wanted her calls with Tom to end , she didn't know if it was the accent or his personality that really tied the knot for her, but she knew she had feelings for Tom and they weren't gonna go away anytime soon.

SMILE.   ( TOM HOLLAND )Where stories live. Discover now