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EVERYTHING HAD TO BE PERFECT. The pillows on the couch had to be positioned in a certain way, even though David would mess them up later, the dished needed to be done, the house couldn't smell like throw up, which it did, thanks to Zane.

Tom was an hour away and Alinah was freaking out. David was busy in his room with Jason, not even bothering to fix his hair, no matter how many times Alinah scowled him for it.

"How many times do I have to tell him to put his shoes away?" Alinah mumbled to herself, putting Davids shoes away nearly.

"Linah, come here real quick?" David called from his room. "I need you now"

"What is it?" She asked, walking into his room. "I don't have time to deal with you right now"

"Would you mind running to the store real quick?" He smiled. He was up to something. "Please"

"Now? Uh, I'm kinda busy, Dave"

"It's important!" David argued.

"Fine, what is it?" She tapped her foot impatiently.

"Uh, I need some double A batteries, a laser pointer, a bottle of Red wine, and a pack of M&M's for Jason" he listed. Alinah furrowed her eyebrows at her friend. "Take your time!" He said, getting up out of bed and helping usher her out of the house.

"Take your keys" Jason said, handing her, her keys as she was being pushed out of the house. "Oh also get a watermelon!"

"A watermelon? Why do you guys need this stuff?" She scoffed, stopping David from pushing her any further. "And a laser pointer?"

"No questions! Get going Linah!" David said, closing the door in her.

"Wow, I have great friends"

       AFTER COLLECTING DAVIDS things, she was finally on her way back home. With ten minutes to spare until Tom was supposed to arrive, she didn't feel confident in anything. David has probably made the house a mess again and Alinah was praying to God everything would go the way she planned.

Pulling into the driveway, Carly's, Zane's, and Joes cars were parked alongside the street, at least it was just the three of them.

"Alinah's here!" Jason yelled as she walked through the doors, the bags in her arms. "Let me help you with that" He said, taking them from her arms and placing them on the covered pool table.

"I need to get the Watermelon" Alinah said, going to walk back to her car, but was stopped by both Zane and Jason.

"Leave it!" Jason told her, pulling her back to the couch and pushing her down. "Just sit!"

"What's going on? Where's David?" She asked, standing up.

"He's in the bathroom" Carly blurted, who was sitting by Erin, who was also there. "He'll be out in a few" Erin added, giving a huge grin.

A few minutes passed, casual conversation was shared between the friends. Alinah was still on edge, why was everyone acting so weird? Eventually David came out from his room, camera in hand, filming, and Joe following behind also recording on his camera.

"Alinah, we're going to have to blindfold you" David spoke, an evil smile covering his face. "Here" he handed a blindfold. She shook her head, moving back and not wanting to take the item from his hand.

"No, not again" David urged the blindfold more until she finally expected it, giving her friends skeptical looks before placing it over her eyes and letting Zane help sit her down on the couch. "Just remain calm, Linah. Okay?"

"Is it a snake? If it's a snake I'll kill you" She threatened, moving her arms closer to her body.

"It's not a snake" a voice spoke up, she suddenly felt a dip in the couch next to her.

"Wait, who's that? David!"

uhhh who's that 😳😳 ew i haven't updated in awhile but school has kept me so preoccupied and wattpad has been kinda dry lately...

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