fifteen 2

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"I don't understand how David was able to drag you here" Jason laughed, patting Tom on his back. " I mean you're the tom holland and he's just david. "

"Wow, thanks jay" David sarcastically rolled his eyes, turning his camera off. It was pointless to film, the last thirty minutes of tom being at the house was a snooze. They had yet to film any actual good content besides the surprise and Alinah wasn't any help. She was too busy staring at Tom to actually be present in any of the conversations, it was obvious of course she had a small crush on him. Tom didn't feel uncomfortable with her eyes being on him every minute, in fact he actually liked it.

   "We have to get going. I have to be on set in about an hour. You don't mind do you Tom?" A david said, for once feeling bad that he had to leave while a guest was over.

    Tom let out a giggle, "'No, of course. Actually I was hoping Alinah could join me for lunch" all they eyes in the room went to Alinah, she blushed at the thought but quickly agreeing.

"Yeah, uh sounds great. Can I get ready first?" Tom nodded, settling back into the couch a little.

"Great, well me and Jason are gonna head out now, do the rest of you guys wanna come with?" David asked, signaling to his friends who sat on the couch. They all agreed, Zane lingering back a bit only because he was jealous Alinah got to hang out with the celebrity. And they were off in Davids Tesla.

Tom sat on the couch while Alinah hurriedly applied lipstick and mascara, she never cared about the way she looked, but going out to Lunch with Tom Holland was a different then going to the supermarket.

"Okay, Okay I'm ready" Alinah giggled coming out from her room with her purse over her arm. Tom stood up and smiled at her.

"Let's go eat, then"

   "Let's go eat, then"

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liked by tomholland2013 and 379,295 others alinahjonas screaming on the inside

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liked by tomholland2013 and 379,295 others
alinahjonas screaming on the inside

can i ask why?

my mom looks hot here

guys... isn't tom in la rn... like aren't they dating or something?

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