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Hi! Are you free right now?

Good morning!

Did you sleep well?

Homework's killing me😫
What are you doing atm?


Uhm... am I bothering you?

Are you okay? You
haven't texted me at all

...Sorry, just message me
once you're free at some

Jungkook scrolled through his and Taehyung's chat, as he laid on Yoongi's bed while his best friend cleaned his room. It's almost been a week since Yoongi and him had paid the Kim Brothers a visit. And simultaneously, Jungkook got forbidden to answer Taehyung's texts by Yoongi.

"Seriously, why am I not allowed to answer him?" Jungkook pouted, "He's never going to find out anyways."

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Yoongi stood up annoyed, crossing his arms.

"If he's gonna find out, you're doomed. And didn't he text you last time that he faked forgetting your name?"

Jungkook bit his lip, recalling the unpleasant memory.

"Sorry to say that, Kook, but I think he doesn't want to be friends with you."

Yoongi's words shocked Jungkook. If not even his best friend believed in him, who else did? Usually he didn't care about sentences like these, but whenever Taehyung was involved it hurt Jungkook even more. Standing up from the bed with gritted teeth, Jungkook threw a hurt glare into Yoongi's direction. Now the mint-haired boy seemed to realize how much of an impact his statement has had.

"Shit, Kook I'm sorry, I didn't mean it-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jungkook yelled.

Yoongi's eyes widened. It was very unusual for the brunette to curse.

"I'm really sorry! I-"

"Just leave me alone!" Jungkook interrupted him and stormed out of his best friend's house.

"Kook, wait!!" Yoongi shouted, but by the time he arrived at the street infront of his house, Jungkook was already gone.

"I hate him so much!" Jungkook screamed into pillow, as soon as he arrived at his room. He kept on shouting loudly and almost failed to notice the knock on his door.


Jungkook shot up and turned around, seeing his little nine-year old brother standing in the doorway.

"What is it, Minjoon?"

"You ran up here without saying hello to Dad and me."

"Ah, sorry..." Jungkook apologised and the little brunette smiled, jumping onto his brother.

"You're heavy!" Jungkook laughed as Minjoon hugged him.

"Hehe, sorry!" Minjoon giggled and sat himself on his brother's lap.

Suddenly Jungkook's phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket.

I know you're probably
just gonna ignore this but
I'm bored as hell🥺

Jungkook chuckled.

"Who is this Kookie?"

"Kim Taehyung. He's in the same grade as me."

"The boy you're in love with?" Minjoon giggled.

"W-what n-no!" Jungkook stuttered, "W-what makes you think that?"

"Mom told me you always blush and smile like crazy when you talk about him or look at his pictures." Minjoon smiled innocently.

Jungkook facepalmed. Maybe he shouldn't have confessed that to his mother back then. But to be honest, back then he hadn't had any other option left because she kind of forced him to tell her.

"Why don't you text him back?" Minjoon asked innocently.

"That's.... complicated." Jungkook sighed.

"Hmm... Is love always complicated?"

"Nine out of ten times yes." Jungkook admitted.

"Mom always told me to always listen to what my heart says! And you should do the same!"

"Thanks Mini." Jungkook smiled at his brother, wondering how a nine-year-old boy was able to give him advices this good.

"Then.... Here goes nothing." Jungkook said and bit his lip.

"Sorry Yoongz, but this is my only chance..."

And with that, he already began typing a message.


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