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Taehyung's eyes widened as the younger placed his hands right and left next to his head while staring into his eyes intensly.

"I-I was just t-thinking—" Taehyung began but his breath hitched when he saw Jungkook leaning closer.

Unconsciously, the blonde let his head fall to the side, giving the other full access to his unmarked neck while trying to form a sentence.

"I-if you w-wanted to—mhm!"

Taehyung let out a mewl the second Jungkook's lips came in contact with his neck, sucking at the soft skin under his jawline. The older's hands gripped the Maknae's shirt, tugging him closer until their bodies clashed together.

Sighing softly, Taehyung loosely wrapped his arms around the younger's neck and closed his eyes. A little moan escaped his lips when he felt Jungkook gently bite his neck, making him shudder.

"What were you about to say?" he hummed against Taehyung's honey skin, sending chills up the other's spine.

"I-I wanted to—ngh~ a-ask you..." the blonde whimpered, not being able to continue as he lost focus.

"Go on." the younger whispered huskily, smirking when Taehyung gasped as he kissed his neck again, hands slowly trailing down the blonde's body until they were resting on his waist. Whenever Jungkook would bite down or drag his tongue over the later forming hickies, Taehyung let out sweet moans which were music to the Maknae's ears and encouraged him to nip harder.

"C-can't—" he whined quietly, legs weakening.

The brunette chuckled softly, lips searching around to find his sweet spot. Soon, Taehyung let him know through a whine that he found it while his hands gripped onto Jungkook's brown locks. Only pressing tiny kisses to the spot, the Maknae felt the blonde perceptibly relax in his hold.

"You can, c'mon, say it." he hummed and nuzzling his face into the other's neck while his hands were rubbing soothing circles onto Taehyung's back. The blonde blushed from all the affection, trying to calm down but his face couldn't stop glowing from shyness.


Just as the first word left his rosy lips, Jungkook bit down harshly on his sweet spot causing the following one to turn into a strangled moan. His body was reduced to a trembling and gasping mess as the younger continued to suck and bite his sensitive spot sensually.

"S-stop—mhm~" he let out breathlessly, Jungkook immediately stopping his actions.

Taehyung tried catching his breath, hands falling down to the brunette's neck, not seeing how the other's moved down. He only noticed when Jungkook's fingers hooked themselves onto the collar of his shirt, pulling it down to reveal his bitemark.

"W-what are you—a-ah!" Taehyung moaned out as the younger bit down once again and created a second mark right next to the first one. The older threw his head back in pleasure, legs almost giving out as Jungkook lasciviously mouthed at both marks.

Suddenly, the younger shoved one of his legs inbetween Taehyung's, knee pressing up against the older's crotch. The blonde's eyes snapped open and Jungkook captured the other's lips just in time to muffle the loud moan that would've come out otherwise, Taehyung sadly didn't have the priviledge to be as loud as he wanted— the walls were thin and they were literally making out at the door. The older was trembling now in his grip, pupils blown wide as they continued kissing messily, Jungkook soon pulling away to let the other breathe.

"So? What were you saying, princess?" he smirked, knowing Taehyung wasn't able to answer him.

"I-I wanted t-to— ah~ a-ask you— ngh!" the blonde tried but the other's knee began teasing his crotch again, causing his knees to buckle and Taehyung would've fallen if Jungkook hadn't caught him in time.

He grabbed the older's ass and easily lifted him up, the blonde instinctively wrapping his legs around Jungkook's waist. They stared into each other's eyes until Taehyung noticed it, causing his eyes to widen, face reddening in an instant. Jungkook was hard and he could clearly feel his arousal against his ass. But then again, he himself was no different.

"Tell me, what did you want to ask me?"

How on this earth could he be this calm!? Taehyung tried not to go crazy because of their closeness, hot breath fanning over one another's lips. His pants were uncomfortably tight by now and the older's hips twitched, not being able to hold still. It took the blonde some time to calm down, Jungkook thankfully not teasing him any further after he dropped his head down onto the other's shoulder.

"W-wanted to ask you if you'd want t-to m-meet up with me..." he breathed out, the Maknae's eyes burning holes into his skin, "J-just the two of us.."

Jungkook chuckled darkly, putting Taehyung down again. The blonde didn't let go of his neck though because his legs were wobbly as hell and he couldn't balance himself.

"I'm afraid we can't do this, sweetie." he whispered, "Don't take this for granted, you need to work for it."

Grabbing the older's hands which were resting on his neck, Jungkook slid them down his muscular chest just to tease him until he detached them so they were in their usual position again, dangling right and left next to Taehyung's body.

Gulping, the blonde watched as the Maknae stepped back to examine his work. The other was still leaning against the door, panting and trembling, knees on the verge of giving out again, eyes hooded and a painful erection between his legs. Cracking a last smirk, Jungkook exited the room, leaving Taehyung back whose mind was completely fucked up.


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