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The next day, I went to school to get my Id and schedule, and also to rent a locker.

I entered the office but no one was here yet. I went out to ask the guard but he said to just wait for the in-charged.

"Ugh!" I stretched my body, I've been sitting here for a while already. As I was stretching my arms, the door suddenly opened. I immediately stood up and bowed. "Hi..." He greeted. "Hello." I greeted back and sat down. He sat on the chair opposite to mine. I thought he was a staff. "Do you know when the accountant arrives?" He suddenly asked. I shaked my head. "I have no idea. The guard told me to wait here." I answered. Just in time when the door opened again. Now I'm sure that this woman is a staff. "Did I make you two wait for too long?" She asks as she puts her bag down. "I didn't. But she did." He states while pointing at me. "I'm sorry, I had an emergency at home." She apologized and started her computer. She looked at me as if asking me to come. I looked at the guy and walked towards her table. I placed my forms in front of her. "Name?" She asked. "Baek Sujin." I answered. She typed my names and printed out something. "Give me your receipt in exchange of this." And she handed me the bond paper. "Go to the library for your schedule, also go to the Student's Affairs Office for your ID and locker." She instructed. She checked my forms and signed before she handed it back to me. "Thank you." I said and went back to my seat earlier.
"Name?" The staff asked the guy. "Kim Hongjoong." He answered. They also did the same process, of course. When Hongjoong was done, he stood up and went outside and I followed him. I was quite startled when he suddenly turned to me. "Why are you following me?" He asked. I smiled slightly. "I'm still unfamiliar with the school." I answered. "Oh. Sorry" and he laughed.

"By the way, I'm Hongjoong. You're Sujin right?" He stated as we go upstairs to the library. Why would they put the library on the third floor? It's so hard to go up and down the stairs. "Yeah." We finally reached the library.

We already had our schedules. "Let me see your schedule." Hongjoong stated as he peek on the paper I hold. "Here." I gave it to him. He compared it to his own schedule. "Ohh. We are classmates." He stated and handed me my schedule back. "That's great!" I cheered. I took a peek on his schedule to confirm it.

"I already have my ID since I'm an old student but I'll accompany you." He stated as he lead the way to the Student Affairs Office. "Thanks. Wanna grab a cup of coffee later?" I invited. Just to thank him for his help. "Sure."

We are currently having a small talk in the nearest café. 

"I actually have a company earlier but he has to go somewhere else

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"I actually have a company earlier but he has to go somewhere else." He stated and took a sip from his coffee. "Mmm. I don't know anyone in this town except for the guy I met yesterday and you." I said and grabbed a cookie. "Are you new here?" He asked. "Yeah, I just moved here yesterday." I answered. "Want me to show you the neighborhood?" He asked again. "Nah, it's okay."

We talked more that lasted for an hour. "I'll get going now." I said and grabbed my bag. "Okay. See you in school." I waved at him and started to walk. It's nice to meet new friends here.

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