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It's summer break and the boys suddenly invited me to come over. I already left my apartment. Wooyoung said he's going to pick me up so that it won't be a hassle to travel.

"Woah, you bought that for us?" Wooyoung gave me a helmet and took the paper bag I'm carrying and looked inside. "Yeah, I bought those yesterday. I hope it's enough for all of us though." I said as I put on the helmet. "You good there?" He checked me behind him before starting his engine. "Yeah. Ready to go." I smiled and held on the hem of his leather jacket.

"Hey guys! Sujin is here!" Wooyoung slammed their front door open and we both entered into a somewhat heavy atmospheric living room. "What happened?" The place is a mess. In the middle of the living room, Mingi is being held down by Yunho while Jongho was also being held by Yeosang and San. "You two, stop this nonsense already!" Seonghwa yelled at both of them. He seems really angry. "Hongjoong, what happened here?" I tapped his shoulder. "Mingi broke Jongho's computer." and he sighed. "Wha- IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOU BROKE YOUR OWN COMPUTER YOU SHOULD BREAK MINE TOO!!" I was cut off when Jongho yelled. "I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" Mingi yelled back. "Don't fight back anymore Mingi!" Yunho scolded him. "HOW ARE YOU GONNA FIX THAT EH?!" Even with those two holding him back, they're still struggling. I deeply sighed before butting in. "You guys are seriously hopeless." I shook my head. "Sujin?!" Seonghwa exclaimed. They didn't notice us arriving at all?! For real?!

I approached both of Mingi and Jongho and hit their heads. "What was that for?!" They yelled simultaneously and of course, they get another hit. "Yelling at an older person is kinda rude, you know that?" They both need to stop fighting already. "You two are fighting like kids." "But he started it!" Mingi exclaimed once more. "It's because you broke my compute-I SAID STOP!" I stomped my feet. "Jongho you can literally call a computer technician to fix it and have Mingi pay for it." He mouthed 'Oh.' as if he just realized it. "Is that fine now? Case solved?" I raised an eyebrow at both of them. "Guys stop fighting already, Sujin came here to hang out with us not stress herself out trying to solve fights." Wooyoung interfered.

"Here's some water." Hongjoong gave me a glass of water as I he sat down beside me. "How long were they fighting before we arrived?" I asked. Both Jongho and Mingi are currently in their room discussing about the computer. They are roommates after all. They calmed down a few minutes after I scolded them. "If you didn't interfere and scolded them instead, I would've thrown hands at them if I stayed in that situation for a bit longer." I laughed at Seonghwa's remark. I wouldn't believe he'll do that though.

"Oh! Right! I bought this." I grabbed the paper bag I placed down earlier. "Is it snacks?!" I was startled when San popped out of nowhere behind me and holding both my shoulders while taking a peek at the paper bag. "A-Ah yeah, here." I was flustered of how close his face is. "Bring it here." Yunho called out. I gave the bag to San and they both checked everything inside it. "Guys! I found some movies!" Wooyoung came out of his room carrying a bunch of CDs. "Are we gonna finish all that in one day?" Yeosang came in carrying two bowls of popcorn. "It's a long day, we can just watched them until we're tired." Seonghwa said while preparing the player. "If you guys want, we can play games too." Jongho finally came out carrying his game consoles.

"It's late already." Yunho closed the curtain after he checked outside. We got so absorbed watching movies and playing games afterwards that we lost track of time. "It's quite dangerous to go back home now. There have been cases of crimes around here." Seonghwa stated while looking worried. "Why don't you just stay here for the night?" Hongjoong suggested. "I don't have a problem staying here for the night except I have no spare clothes." This was unexpected, why would I bring some?

"San, you can let Sujin borrow your clothes, you've got quite a small build anyway." Yeosang said as he pat my head. "I'll sleep in the couch." I sat down and smiled at them. "We can't do that." Wooyoung refused as he pulls me up to stand. "It's fine, I'm just sleeping over in a rush anyway."

"Here's some spare clothes. I barely used those." San handed me a T-shirt and a basketball shorts. "Thanks, I'll go change later."

Seonghwa vacuumed and prepared the sofa for me to sleep. He also gave me a blanket and a pillow. "Are you sure you're fine sleeping here?" He asked once again and I chuckled. "You guys are worrying too much."

"Uhm... What are you guys staring at?" I asked as I come out of the bathroom after taking a bath. "I should've handed you my clothes." Yunho murmured. "What?" They're being weird. "You look good wearing those." What are they talking about? They're just normal house clothes. Right? Is there something wrong with it?

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