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I opened my eyes and adjusted to the lighting. "Hmm.." I stretched my body and sat down on the bed. I roamed my eyes and recognized that I am in the clinic. I tried to remeber what happened... Seonghwa saw my swollen hands, then Mingi suddenly shouted my name and then I felt something hard hit the back of my head and I fainted. Speaking of swollen hands, I looked at my hands and saw that it looks better. The nurse probably did something. Why is no one here by the way? And as if that thought was a clue, the door opened and the curtains of my bed was moved to the side by someone and it was Hongjoong.

"Oh, you're awake already. How are you feeling?" He asked and sat on the stool beside my bed. "Feeling good." I answered and smiled. "That's great then. The other guys are gonna be late." And he started to write on his notebook. He then gave it to me. "Notes from class." He smiled. "How long did I pass out?" I asked him while putting his notebook beside me. "2-3 hours I guess?" That long?! I massaged my head. "By the way, who threw the ball at me?" I asked while touching the back of my head. "It was Sunhee." He answered. "Geez." I shaked my head and laid down again. I faced Joong. "You should go to class now. I'll wait for you guys here." I stated. We still a last class. I don't feel like attending. I'll just go to sleep and wait for them.

"You sure?" He asked for the third time. "Yes I am. Just go now. I'll sleep." He nodded and went out.

I was awaken by someone who is swirling my hair. I looked amd the person and my gaze became sharp. It's Sunhee. I immediately stood up and glared at her. "What do you want?" I asked her. "I'm just checking on you." She said with a smirk. "Too bad, the ball didn't hit you hard enough. I'll do a better job next time." I rolled my eyes. "Leave." I walked towards the door and opened it. I was startled when I saw Seonghwa right in front of the door. And Sunhee's expression changed, she looks like a devil earlier and now she looks like an angel. "What are you doing here?" Seonghwa entered and held me onto his back. "I-I'm just here to apologize." I rolled my eyes. Apologize? Tsk! Pathetic. "I don't need your apology. Leave now." I stated. She secretly glared at me and walked outside. Seonghwa closed the door and faced me. He cupped my face. "What happened?! Did she do something bad again? Tell me!" He asked continuously. I smiled and removed his hands. "I'm fine. We just had a talk. That's all." I assured him. He sighed. "What is wrong with them. You didn't do anything bad." He stated in a sad tone. "It's okay. We all know that. They are just a bunch of psychos." I rolled my eyes angain with the thought of those three.

After a while, the boys are complete. We are currently making our way towards the school gate. Hongjoong and Seonghwa are beside me. Mingi, Yunho and Yeosang are in front of me while Wooyoung San and Jongho are behind me. Gosh, I feel really protected but isn't this too much? Hahahah. "Guys, seriously. I'm fine. Why are y'all guarding me as if I'm some kind of treasure." I chuckled when they looked at me. "Because you are!" They all stated in unison. I was taken aback. "Okay okay." I said in defeat. They're my bosses after all. But until where are they going to send me?! Don't tell me until to my apartment!!

I facepalmed. We are currently standing in front of my room apartment. I have no choice but to allow them to come in for they are very insisting people. "Okay. My apartment is pretty much messy and I don't know if all 9 of us can fit." I stated before opening my door. We entered and they all spread out as if they are in a museum.

"Hey Sujin! Do you have any food?" Yunho asked. "Yeah. Why?" I asked him but he didn't answer and just went to the kitchen and started to grab and clutter things with the help of Jongho. "Sujin! Where is your vacuum cleaner?" I turned to Seonghwa. "Over there. Why?" I pointed where the vacuum cleaner is. He went over there, grabbed the vacuum, plugged it and started cleaning. What? "Sujin, where can I put these?" Hongjoong asked while carrying an empty laundry basket. Did he just do the laundry? I grabbed the basket and placed it where it was supposed to be. "Waaahh! San! Look here!" I jumped when Wooyoung yelled. He is holding some of my cd games. San approached and they just started to play. Okay where is Yeosang and Mingi? I looked around and saw that my room is open. I rushed towards there and saw Yeosang reading a book while Mingi is lying down in my bed.

Gaaaahhh. What are these guys doing?!

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