Cruel Fate-1o.2

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Shawn's POV

Now I got all the condiments that I needed, I walked towards to the bunch of people  that formed lines, trying to find Simone. I looked around, checking every cashier booth if Simone was there, then when I finally got in front of cashier number 9 I saw Simone.

He is the next customer in the line, fortunately I arrived at the perfect time, I immediately walked near him, it's quite difficult because there's a lot of people so I just passed through them, then I put the groceries on the cashier's table. a few minutes waiting, I paid, it cost almost 2000 pesos.

Simone grabbed the groceries, I don't help him because he supposed to do that, but I'm kind a pity him because the groceries are pretty heavy so I said, "Simone" then Simone suddenly turned around to face me

"it's better if you will leave those groceries in the car" and Simone smiled then replied "yes you're right, and besides we might buy some other stuffs"

I got the car's key in my left pocket,

"here's the key, I'll just wait you here"

Simone's POV

I finally got outside the mall and here at the parking lot, I walked towards the car, then I got they key in my pocket and I unlocked the door and put the groceries inside. I finally closed the door of the car and put back the key in my pocket, I walked back where Shawn's waiting.

When Shawn saw me, he stood up,

"what time is it?" He asked me,

"Um... almost 2:00" I answered

then he said, "let's eat our late lunch first, I'm kinda hungry now"

"okay, and besides I feel hungry too" I smiled.

We used elevator to go upstairs, then we went at the third floor. As we got outside from the elevator, Shawn turned left, and I saw the big banner, "Food Court" written in cursive.

Shawn and I went at the Sizzling Plate, their special cuisine is Sisig.

"I'll order two special sisig" Shawn suddenly spoke, then the lady looked at him and said,

"What drinks you prefer sir? Um... coke, sprite or 7 up?

"I prefer 7 up" Shawn replied. Then he looked at me and asked "How about you Simone? What do you prefer?"

I thought carefully for a moment and answered, "I choose sprite" then smiled after I said that.

"Just wait for awhile" said by the lady enthusiastically. Then Shawn faced me and said, "that's our table, okay?" while he pointing the table beside the drinking fountain, "I'll just wait there."

"Okay" I said, then he walked towards the table, I faced the lady again and she holding a tray and put in front of me and said, "here's your order sir" then I smiled and held the tray and walked towards the table where Shawn waiting.

"Let's eat" I said when I put the tray on the table and sat beside Shawn. "Yes, finally, I'm really hungry" Shawn said while he get his plate on the tray.

We stood up as we finished our food, sisig here was very good. "What are we going to do next?" I asked Shawn, "I guess none" he answered while thinking if he forget something, "let's go home now"

I saw nanay already finished folding Shawn's clothes, then she saw me, "just put all the groceries on the kitchen table" she ordered me, "okay" I replied.

As I put the groceries on the table, I saw the dishes are not wash yet. So I walked near at the sink and I washed all them, I guess nanay really have a hard time doing all the household chore. I saw nanay went out from our room, I followed her, I asked,

"where are you going nanay?"

"Um... I'm going to clean the garden and water the plants" she answered me with a smile.

"Don't you mind if I'll do that for you?" I asked in a polite way.

"Really? Thank you very much Simone you are really a nice young man" she replied with a grateful expression.

I opened the main door, I walked towards the garden, I looked at the sky. I saw the beautiful sunset, it's really a stress reliever to me, I suddenly missed the ocean near at my house.

I grabbed a broom and swept all the fallen leaves from the apple, mango and orange tree. I put all them in the trash bin beside the light post.

I put water on the plants, I saw a yellow rose, I suddenly remember my mommy, my eyes got heavier and tears fallen from it. I wiped it immediately when I heard someone asked

"What are you doing?" I'm shocked, "I think your putting too much water on that plant" Shawn said, and held my right shoulder. I turned around and faced him, "Oops" I said and stop watering the plant,

"I'm  just reminding you that we need to wake up early tomorrow" he said to me, "and also think about what course you will get. Our college life will just two weeks ahead" he added and went back inside the house.

I saw nanay in the kitchen, she's cooking something, I also noticed that she already unpacked our groceries. I went inside our room, I sat down on my bed, I really want to be an architect, but I don't think I can afford to study that course.

I went upstairs, this is my first time go up here, I'm surprised that there's 4 more big rooms here. Then I saw a glass-wall room and inside it was Shawn, I walked in front of his bedroom door and knocked.

"Did I disturbed you?" I asked him, "not really" he said while I walked in, "what can I do for you Simone?" He asked.

"I just worrying about the college, I want to know how much my salary." I said while looking down the floor because I'm little bit embarrassed.

"You don't need to worry about your college, my parents already agreed that they will support you, but you will work here without salary anymore" he explained to me.

"It's that okay to you?" He asked me, "it's better than okay!" I shouted because of happiness, "I'm really grateful to you, I'm blessed having a nice and true friend like you" I added.

"Don't thank me, my parents are the one who will help you" said Shawn.

Shawn's POV

"Sir Shawn, the dinner is ready" I heard yaya called me, "let's go, we need to rest early tonight" I said to Simone while I'm walking downstairs.

As we entered the dinning room, our utensils are already set up by yaya, all we need to do is to eat.

"Thank you yaya" I said while looking what food she prepared for this dinner. I saw chicken and pork adobo my favourite.

I suddenly smiled while eating my food, then Simone suddenly asked,

"Why are you smiling?"

"Um... nothing, I'm just excited that I will eat dinner together with my family tomorrow. I just can't remember when the last time we eat here in this dinning room, on this giant table"


Sorry guys :(( taking so long to update here. nagexam kasi ako this week, sana mataas grades ko >_< haist keep all your support to my story :)) thank you. Don't forget to click the star button. Next chapter I will introduce to all of you Angelika Dela Cruz :))

Cruel Fate (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon