◆06◆ A story of a girl who wished for happiness

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"There's this girl who contracted cancer from biting the nails on her thumb. That girl ended up needing to amputate it, so stop it." Unlike Michiyo, who was deadly nervous about the written exam results, Shinsou was calm and finding her antics ridiculous. 

"This is a life and death moment for me, Shinsou!" She exclaimed. 

"What do you mean?" Ayumi sat in front of Michiyo's desk so she moved her chair back a bit so she could talk to her. "You've studied with Todoroki and Bakugou, you should be fine." 

"It's because I studied with Bakugou that I am not allowed to fail!" Because of the Spartan style studying sessions and having to train with Aizawa and Shinsou, she's very far behind on the anime she wanted to watch, she even lost count where she was up to on so many manga! At the same time, she wanted to see her results and not see them at the same time because Bakugou will kill her if she dared to go up to him with very horrible results from any subjects. "I-I think I should write my last will." 

"Stop being stupid." Shinsou said to her, "Just harden yourself and he can't kill you." 

"I-I can't avoid him forever! Besides, Bakugou doesn't seem like the type to let something go." 

"Y-you're making him out to be some kind of tyrant king..." Ayumi said while sweatdropping. Ayumi heard her name being called and she went to get her results. "Yes! I passed!" 

"If Tadano can pass, you can too." Shinsou reminded Michiyo, knowing she will be called up next.

"How do you know?" 

"Because Tadano is not exactly the brightest when it comes to academics." 

"I heard that, Shinsou." Ayumi returned to her seat with average results. She's not that bothered about it since becoming a professional manga was her end goal after graduating. 

"Sen Michiyo." The teacher called out her name. 


"Don't scare me like that! Come and get your results." 

"Y-yes...Sensei, I might need help to write my last will depending on the results." 

"I don't know what you are talking about nor do I want to know." He gave her the results and he watched her go back to her seat. 

Michiyo looked at her results and she gasped at the sight of it. 5th place in class! "Shinsou-! Shinsou, I did it! Shinsou!" 

"Yes, yes. About that will..." 

"I don't need it! I did it! Yay! Yay!" 

And seeing that she had received good results, she just couldn't wait for Todoroki to come to her, she decided to go to him. 


Todoroki looked at the door and he smiled at her; judging by her smile, he could tell it was a good result. "Michiyo," 

"Look! Look! I did it! 5th place in my class! I did it!" She was so happy with it, happiness was clear as day on her face. 

"Oi, diamond girl. How did you do?" 

"Bakugou!" Michiyo walked up to him and she held his hands, "Thanks to your Spartan style study session, I did it! I went from being an idiot to an ideal student! I am so proud of myself!" She was shaking his hands up and down, her action was scaring Midoriya, Kaminari, Sero, and even Mineta. However, Iida was crying out of joy and happiness because Bakugou was helping someone from another class.  

"Why are you in 5th place when you should be 1st in your class?! Don't you dare be happy with just 5th place! I expect you to climb to the top!" Bakugou's ranked 3rd place in his class and he expected Michiyo to be 3rd or higher. "This means you are still dumber than me and you need to study more!" Maybe it's not a Spartan style studying that she needed, she needed a mega Spartan style study session where breaks will not exist and bathroom breaks will be limited to almost non-existence! 

◆Rewrite: Diamond◆Todoroki Shouto◆Boku no Hero Academia◆Where stories live. Discover now