◆09◆ Sunshine smile

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The act of burning off four faces and etching 'Real Villain' onto their backs were done, he's now on the run from the police and heroes with a mask that covered only his face. The blue ring dangling down his neck continued to shine under the light of the moon. 

"We got him now!" Some of the heroes managed to get in close enough. 

The blue of his fire matched that of the ring as he stopped the heroes from coming too close to him. 

"GAHH!!!" Blue fire engulfed the heroes, making them fall down the bridge.

He continued to run because he had done what he had to do. 

"...!" The chain that kept the ring around his neck broke! His turquoise blue eyes focused on the jewel of the ring and he reached his left hand out to grab hold of it, never letting go. Even if his forearm was shot, he still kept a strong hold of the ring...that's how important she was to him, even if what felt like eternity had passed. "Man, you guys are stubborn..." 

He created a powerful wall of fire, stopping all pursuers from coming too close to him. He was willing to put his own body at risk of burning some more all for the person he deemed precious. 

Multiple police cars stopped just before they reached the burning wall of blue fire. 

Hakanai Shiki got out of the car and she watched as the wall refused to go out even when heroes with water Quirk tried to put it out. She looked into the police van that held the four perpetrators and she saw all four of them were still alive, barely hanging onto life by a string. 

"Dammit! Even with many of us following, someone got to them...!" But then again, will people really be angry if the perpetrators of such heinous crime get hurt? She wondered if whoever did this do what everyone else were thinking about. 

"Officer Hakanai!" The hero who shot the man with the blue ring made it to her. "I've shot the man so he is injured." 

"Got it. I'll tell patrol officers to keep an eye out on hospitals, clinics, and illegal medical practitioners. We will catch the person who did this." 

The hero who made the shot looked at the van, he winced at the gruesome scene. "Officer Hakanai, I sort of don't blame the person who did this. I mean, what those four men did..." 

"I know that. I know that very well. But you need to look at it this way; if we let one person get away with it, we'll end up letting everyone else do whatever they want with criminals we catch. If we let people make their own judgement, there's no point of law and order to exist. That's why even if the criminal deserve to be lynched by the public, that criminal still need to stand before the law and receive the appropriate judgement so no one in the public can have their hands covered in blood." 

Staggering, he slumped against the wall of a back alley. 

"Hah...ah...!" He forced his fingers into the bullet wound and he forcefully removed the bullet that was lodged inside. He was about to throw the bullet away but then he remembered how the police will hold onto any traces of him and so he kept it in his pocket for now. He needed to close the wound somehow. He found a cloth and he decided to use that to cover up the wound and not let blood drop to the floor for now.

He didn't care about the pain. The pain on his body was nothing compared to the one in his heart. Even after so many repetitions, he kept finding it, searching for the one world where she was alive and able to live through that one date. 

He knocked at a door of a church. He knocked again and again until it got to the point of irritation for the person coming for him. 

"It's fucking late!!! I have an appointment with a very sexy doctor tomorrow and I want to look fresh- Dabi?!" The priest of the church, Ichinose, was very shocked to see Dabi with a bullet wound in the forearm. "Who the fuck did you piss off?! You were just here the other day telling me you joined the League of Villains and NOW you got wrecked?! What the fuck?!" 

◆Rewrite: Diamond◆Todoroki Shouto◆Boku no Hero Academia◆Where stories live. Discover now