◆14◆ Even if it burns

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Michiyo woke up to find herself in a very small apartment she was not familiar with. She looked around and she saw no one. Where was she? Did she get kidnapped? No, if she was kidnapped, she would have been tied up and she certainly wouldn't be on a comfortable bed. 

"You're finally awake." Dabi came in and he dragged a chair over to sit by the side of the bed. "Michiyo, do you remember what happened?" 

"I...I tried to stop you and Shouto from fighting- Where's Shouto?! Why were you two fighting?!" 

Seeing at how she panicked over Todoroki, Dabi could tell in this world Michiyo's bond with Shouto crossed over the boundaries of friendship. "That guy went to do something that you wouldn't agree with in a million years." 

"I wouldn't agree with? What is he trying to do?!" She reached for her phone to try and check the app to see where he went, but she could no longer see the icon because Shouto turned off his GPS from his phone. When she tried to call him, he did not answer. 

"You won't be able to get through to him." 


"Listen. Listen..." Dabi touched her shoulder firmly because he really didn't want her to go to where Todoroki was. "Until he calls you, you can't go back. Not yet."

Michiyo could feel the desperation for her not to go through his touch. Why? Why was he making her believe in him with just a touch? "Dabi, just who are you? Why are you so protective over me?" 

Dabi didn't say anything. In all worlds where he had met her again and again and watch her dying again and again, telling her of his story was pointless because she will always die and forget all about him. Even if there were times where he told her, she always thought he was crazy and even tried to run away from him.


"In the world I've originally come from. I am your husband and you are my wife-" He wanted to continue to tell her his story but he saw something flash from the window. He tackled her down and he watched a bullet pierce the glass and landed into the wall. If that bullet hit a person right in the head, no one would survive. 'This never happened in any worlds. Who is trying to shoot me?' 

They both sat up from the bed. Michiyo conjured a diamond wall in order to protect both of them. "Dabi, are you okay?!" 

"I'm okay. Michiyo, stay here, you'll be safe in here with your diamond wall-" Just when he said that, a bullet pierced through the diamond wall and it hit Michiyo in the side of her arm! But because Michiyo made a diamond layer just under her skin, the bullet only made an impact against her and threw her off the bed.

"Ah-?!!?!" She felt the pain and she pressed a hand against the side of her arm as the pain surged through her. 

Dabi picked up the bullet that bounced off her arm. He looked at it to see light refracting from it. 'Diamond bullet?! The first bullet wasn't made of diamond...the person is aiming for Michiyo.' He was able to deduce the enemy's target was indeed Michiyo. Could it be Michiyo's death was never a natural cause but the cause of someone...and that someone keep appearing in all worlds. "I'm going to kill you...I'm going to kill you!"

"Dabi, don't leave her!"

Dabi paused and he looked over his shoulder to see Michiyo getting up. 

"Did you call out to me, Michiyo?" 

"Huh? N-no."

He could have sworn he heard her voice just then. The voice told him not to leave her. Yet, that voice was the same as Michiyo's. Whose voice was it? The identity didn't matter because he decided not to chase after the person for the sake of protecting her. "I swear on my life I will protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you." 

◆Rewrite: Diamond◆Todoroki Shouto◆Boku no Hero Academia◆Where stories live. Discover now