Chapter 25

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I was woken up by the sound  of the alarm.  Which meant it was time for me to bathe Abutrika, dress him and make his lunch box.

I woke him up . It took an effort to wake him up. It was a problem having to wake him up, but not all the time. Sometimes he would just wake up smiling and sometimes crying and he will fight with me not wanting to bathe. Well,  today was one of those days.

But we managed to drift from the anger. I managed to get a smile from him and we were both okay again. If only it was also like that with grown-ups.

When they prepare for school its chaos. You will hear Chantel saying she lost her shoe and  Portia on the other side crying that she can't see her book as if they didn't know they were going to school. It is a headache to take care of this three but I ain't complaining.

Finishing on time is the one goal we aim for in the morning to make sure that the school bus doesn't leave them. Then there is Abutrika who wants to watch Peppa pig until it finishes whereas time is against him.

Without shouting the is no going forward.  Even if you tell yourself that you don't want to, you will find yourself shouting. But when they are finally gone the house becomes empty and boring.  Even though they are a headache they are also fun to be around. Your day won't come to an end without a smile on your face when they are around.

I had to make sure that I clean before my aunt wakes up. My uncle was long gone. He is the first one to wake up. He has to drive to his work for at least forty-five minutes if the isn't traffic.  So the only people that are left in the house are me and my aunt.

I know you are asking yourself if I don't go to school, or maybe not, but anyways I finished school a long time ago. When I say a long time ago I mean in 2014. I  wanted to further my education but I couldn't because of well financial issues.  But it's not over yet. I know a day is coming when everything will be perfect for me. Where I will get the money to do my studies. I know success was meant for me.

Where I would be driving that sonata . I know it won't be one of them cars by then, judge all you want but I love that car. And I will be living in that mansion. Only in due time.

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